Javascript - Idle Bitcoin Mining Game

I have just finished the Javascript course and have created an Idle Game with Bitcoin mining as the theme. I wanted all of you to take a look at my progress(I barely knew how to write in HTML at the start). I also wanted to post this here for criticism, perhaps I could have used arrays and objects instead of variables etc.

The game is going to be an ongoing project with the following things will be added as the game develops:

Game Features:
Balance - I know right now the game probably isn’t balanced, some equipment is probably more valuable than others for their price.
Vanity Items
More mining equipment
Save feature(I believe I will need to learn how to work with servers which is something I really want to do as I feel like it will take my abilities to a new level)

Design Feature:
I want to optimize the layout so that it looks much better
I want to add better graphics, backgrounds, and images as well.
I also want to make the header section scroll when the user scrolls. I’ll do some research later on how to achieve this.

Back End Code:
Definitely want to learn how to implement servers into javascript. IF you guys have any recommendations on courses that do this please let me know!

I want to see if their is an alternative way I can write this code using arrays and objects for example(please give me suggestions!)

Below is my code and I will post the images I used as well in this thread.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Bitcoin Miner</title>

      <script src=""></script>



    <h1 align=center>Idle Bitcoin Miner</h1>

    <h2 id="bitcoinBalance" align=center>Bitcoin Balance:</h2>

    <h3 align=center>Mining Equipment</h3>

    <div align=center>
      <p>Home Computer</P>
        <img src="computerpic.png" width=150 height=150>
        <p>Price: 0.01 Bitcoin</p>
        <p id="cqty">QTY: 1</p>
        <button type="button" id="compButton" onclick="compFunction()">Buy 1</button>

        <!-- clicking the button will add 1 Mining Equpipment.-->

      <div align=center>
        <p>Graphics Card</p>
        <img src="gpu.png" width=150 height=150>
        <p>Price: 0.1 Bitcoin</p>
        <p id="gqty">QTY: 0</p>
        <button type="button" id="gpuButton" onclick="gpuFunction()">Buy 1</button>

      <div align=center>
        <img src="asic.png" width=150 height=150>
        <p>Price: 1 Bitcoin</p>
        <p id="aqty">QTY: 0</p>
        <button type="button" id="asicButton" onclick="asicFunction()">Buy 1</button>


      <div align=center>
        <p>Mining Farm</p>
        <img src="farm.jpg" width=150 height=150>
        <p>Price: 5 Bitcoin</p>
        <p id="fqty">QTY: 0</p>
        <button type="button" id="farmButton" onclick="farmFunction()">Buy 1</button>



        /* these variables are for monitoring the quantity of equipment and total balance of bitcoin the player has */

        var balance = 0;
        var compQty = 1;
        var gpuQty = 0;
        var asicQty = 0;
        var farmQty = 0;

        /* the below functions are launched when the button to buy an equipment is clicked. */

        function compFunction(){

          if(balance > .01){
          balance = balance - .01;
          compQty = compQty + 1;
          document.getElementById("cqty").innerHTML = "QTY: " + compQty;}

            alert("You do not have enough Bitcoin!");

        function gpuFunction(){
          if(balance > .1){
            balance = balance - .1;
            gpuQty = gpuQty + 1;
          document.getElementById("gqty").innerHTML = "QTY: " + gpuQty;}

            alert("You do not have enough Bitcoin!");

        function asicFunction(){
          if(balance > 1){
            balance = balance - 1;
            asicQty = asicQty + 1;
            document.getElementById("aqty").innerHTML = "QTY: " + asicQty;}

              alert("You do not have enough Bitcoin!");

        function farmFunction(){
          if(balance > 5){
            balance = balance - 5;
            farmQty = farmQty + 1;
            document.getElementById("fqty").innerHTML = "QTY: " + farmQty;}

              alert("You do not have enough Bitcoin!");

        //The intervals below will trigger the incremental functions

        setInterval(compOutput, 1000);
        setInterval(gpuOutput, 1000);
        setInterval(asicOutput, 1000);
        setInterval(farmOutput, 1000);
        setInterval(balanceUpdate, 1000);

        //the function below will increment the balance

        function compOutput(){
          balance = balance + (.0001 * compQty);

          function gpuOutput(){
            balance = balance + (.001 * gpuQty);

          function asicOutput(){
            balance = balance + (.01 * asicQty);

          function farmOutput(){
            balance = balance + (1 * farmQty);

        //the function below will update the standing balance

        function balanceUpdate(){
          document.getElementById("bitcoinBalance").innerHTML = "Bitcoin Balance: " + balance;}



Hi Johnknee

I am also learning and looked at your practice project. I found your project interesting.
I am half way on the course.

I have some questions:

1.- What is the need to call the jquery library from…?

2.- My second question is probably due to my lack of knowledge so far; but is the “setInterval”, a looping call that keeps the balance “ever” updating?

Lastly, just for “neatness” I changed the last line to have only up to the satoshi level, so only 8 decimal places.

document.getElementById(“bitcoinBalance”).innerHTML = "Bitcoin Balance: " + balance.toFixed(8);}

Good job on this.

I am with you on trying to learn how does connecting a website to a server works.
Perhaps connecting to a Bitcoin testnet, would be interesting.
I know from reading that you can create local “private” testnets in Bitcoin.
If I figure it out, I will come back here, and we could each be running a “private” node for this website or a different website for testing/learning purposes.

From my understanding, setInterval is a lot like setTimeout that Ivan covered in the course but with setInterval it is looping continuously.

I was actually going to edit this code around a bit and bring it down to just one setInterval for all of the output functions. I believe I can do this by putting all of them into one equation that only updates the balance once but includes all of the mining hardware.

I want to thank you for mentioning the fixed decimal code, I had no idea how to do that myself and will probably implement that in the code as well. I’ve been away on vacation so I’ve actually haven’t taken many courses after writing this snippet of code and am looking forward to heading right back into the academy.