JavaScript 101: Input and Output code problem part 2

Hi everyone,

Just like in the previous thread I created, it has to do with JavaScript 101 with Szolt. Before moving on to the next chapter of the videos, I decided to repeat the JavaScript part again. In the Input Output part where we code to get a message that we bought 1.15 BTC, I decided to use Number.parseInt instead of just a + for diversification and to remember this function too just in caae it would be useful at some point in time, although, + is so much more time saving to type.

const ticker = prompt(`Enter your crypto ticker: `);
const amount = Number.parseInt(prompt(`Enter the amount you want to buy: `));

console.log(`You have just bought ${amount}${ticker}`);

Now my problem with the code above is that this time by using parseInt, instead of + I tend to get the message “You have just bought 1 BTC” although in the amount I insert 1.15. I used the very same code and deleted the parselInt and replaced it with + and then indeed it displays 1.15 when I add 1.15 but when I specifically use parselInt it displays only a round number, 1 in this case.

Can someone tell me why is that? am I doing something wrong - although I doubt it since if I take the same very code and just delete parseInt and add + instead it displays just like I wish 1.15:

const ticker = prompt(`Enter your crypto ticker: `);
const amount = +prompt(`Enter the amount you want to buy: `);

console.log(`You have just bought ${amount}${ticker}`);

Thank you!

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ParseInt will convert any value to integer, meaning no decimals.

You can see here im asking the value type of amount and have another variables to show you how parseInt will parse a float number into an interger.

PD: Software used for this

Carlos Z