Iteration Value Questions

  1. Why is working iteratively important?
    Continuous and small improvements with rapid user feedback is what it takes to build a good product.

  2. Is it wise to make a complete plan for a project?
    Write only the First step and then continuous and small improvements consistently with regular feedback.

  3. What does working iterative protect us against?
    Getting feedback and sometimes correct out mistakes quickly.

  4. How fast should you take action and do something? What if your actions are not reversible easily?
    Don’t wait till its perfect, small iterations should help with rapid feedback. We need to make effort to reverse them given the inevitable

  5. What do we mean by “cleanup over sign-off”?
    Kaizen principle of Automate rather than compel. Automate as much as possible

  6. What is MVC?
    Minimal Viable Change, build in a way, where it makes it easy to make a change without affecting others, like flag or a switch with which a feature can be turned on or off.

  7. When is working iteratively hurtful?

  8. What is the goal of an iteration?

  9. What is not an iteration? give some examples that you think of yourself!

  10. If I do something without shipping to users - is it an iteration?

  11. If I do something without planning at all or thinking at all - is it a valid iteration?

1. Why is working iteratively important?

Small quick iterations are the key to success as they allow us to show customers what we are doing and collect feedback quickly and potentially adjust our course.

2. Is it wise to make a complete plan for a project?

Don’t write a large plan; only write the first step.

3. What does working iterative protect us against?

Reverting work back to a previous state is positive, not negative. We’re quickly getting feedback and learning from it. Making a small change prevented a bigger revert and made it easier to revert.

4. How fast should you take action and do something? What if your actions are not reversible easily?

You should take action right now. Everything is fresh in your head and you have the motivation. If the changes are not reversible then you need to wait until you are more sure about your change.

5. What do we mean by “cleanup over sign-off”?

Make sure you are able to roll back to before the change you made instead of waiting for someone to sign off.

6. What is MVC?

MVCs are Minimal Viable Change that is as small as possible. Always look to make the quickest change possible to improve the user’s outcome.

7. When is working iteratively hurtful?

Adjusting our marketing messaging (where consistency is key).

8. What is the goal of an iteration?

This saves us from focusing on the wrong thin or costly big mistakes. Sometimes the client asks for something and does not understand what they need.

9. What is not an iteration? give some examples that you think of yourself!

Making a suggestion of changing the color scheme because it is difficult for people that are color impaired to use it. You can make a version that uses a different color scheme for people to test.

10. If I do something without shipping to users - is it an iteration?

No, there is not feed back.

11. If I do something without planning at all or thinking at all - is it a valid iteration?

Then it only a different opinion. You have not thought about the impact it will have on the team, client, and end user.