Issue with my code

Hello Everyone.

Looking for help on my code. I’m attempting to code a cover letter. Not a finished product. That being said, I’m still getting coding errors when deploying contract in remix. Any suggestions on how to fix these errors??

pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
 contract coverLetter {
     address public Jordan_Bishop = 0x5B38Da6a701c568545dCfcB03FcB875f56beddC4;
     bool public available_for_hire = true;
     struct Skill {
         uint8 level;
         string projects;
     mapping (string => Skill) skills;
     function make_the_world_a_better_place(string you_are_looking_for, string who_codes_in) returns(string) {
        if ((keccak256(you_are_looking_for) == keccak256("efficent, innovative programmer" ) 
        && (keccak256(who_codes_in) == keccak256("solidity"))) {
         return "Thanks for you're time!  :)";
     function set_availability(bool status) only_Jordan returns(bool) {
         available_for_hire = status;
         return status;
     function add_skill(string skill, uint8 level, string project) only_Jordan {
         skills[skill] = Skill(level, project);
     function hire_me() only_if_available_for_hire returns (string){
         return "mailto:[email protected]?Subject=Hello!";
     modifier only_Jordan{
         if(msg.sender != Jordan_Bishop)
    modifier only_if_available_for_hire{