Introduction to Non Fungible Tokens Discussion

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I didn’t knew that we could do mapping inside mappings. This makes it possible to build complex database ect… I still need more time and exercises in javascript and solidity.


So I’ve seen some use cases online of people using NFTs for art. But I am confused how that would work. How can an artist sell his/her work as an NFT? Can’t someone just screenshot it? Sure, technology can verify who the owner rightfully is, but why would a consumer pay to own digital art if they can just screenshot it?

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Is almost the same as original art, why would a consumer pay a lot for the original when they can do a copy/paste? Remember there are all kind of persons in this world, some are willing to pay a lot to have the original picture, others just want a copy.

In the NFT space will be the same, you will have the rightful ownership of a item (original), but off course you can just have a fake one, but that does not give you the ownership, in this new digital verifiable era, those who like to collect the original item they will be very interesting on being part of the ownership of that item, others can just be happy with a fake copy.

Would you pay a lot for the original mona lisa to put it on your room? or will you be happy with a cheap copy of the same picture? Is about your personal interest at the end :slight_smile:

Carlos Z