Interview coding challenge!

Hello IoT community,

I’ve worked 11 hard months to re-invent myself from a career as a professional athlete to blockchain development. After a grueling learning curve, I’ve passed the first interview and into the coding challenge…

After looking over the criteria, I feel a little overwhelmed…

"You made a great impression in your interview and passed to the next stage, congratulations!

We would love to learn more about you, specifically how you approach coding problems.


In this challenge you will build a Web3 front-end that displays data for a Uniswap V2 trading pair and allows the user to interact with it.

The challenge should take no longer than 5 hours.


  • User can connect their MetaMask wallet
  • App shows a price chart for the ETH/DAI trading pair (hint)
  • App shows user balance for tokens in the trading pair
  • User can submit a transaction to ‘market buy’ (buy at the current market price) ETH using a specified amount of DAI
    • You can assume slippage is fixed at 0.5%
  • App updates in real-time
  • Built using TypeScript and React
  • Clean, consistent, satisfying UX - make the app as fun and visually-engaging as possible!
  • Test coverage of some part of the codebase (using Jest, Enzyme, etc.)

I don’t know if I’m making this harder than it needs to be? If anyone could kind of help guide me a bit on where to start (how to connect a metamask wallet)

and how i’d even “assume” a slippage fee? Do I incorporate a 0.5% fee when user submits his market order?

What’s a good API to use for “app updates in real time?”

Thank you in advance, my fellow IoT community <3

Try using Moralis, check out the YouTube channel here:

Click me!

There are videos and documentation of how to do a variety of things, starting with Metamask authentication.