Welcome to the thread about integer over/under -flow Installation. Here you can discuss everything about the issue of underflow and overflow and the Safemath library.
In the text it is said that underflow and overflow appear when you have you maximum value ( i.e. 2^256 - 1) or minimum value (i.e. 0 ) AND increment/decrement it by 1. I assume even for any increment/decrement by x , you have also underflow and overflow ?
Yes that is correct! Good point.
the link to the Safemath library in the course reading isn’t working. here they are:
docs: https://openzeppelin.org/api/docs/math_SafeMath.html
code: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-solidity/blob/master/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol
Thank you. I have updated the text in teachable.
finally i understood the meaning of under/overflow . thanks Filip
if we have to use safeMath , do we have to import the file of the library safeMath the same way we import a regular file?
Yes, that’s correct.
I dont really understand what we mean by integer overflows. If we for example add a calculation that is too large this will result in an integer overflow? To formulate differently, what are usual cases where integer overflows have happened in programs/Smart contracts?
Yes, if you add onto an integer so that it becomes very very large (2³¹-1). If you continue to add to that number it will “restart” from -2³¹. This is a very common mistake in both solidity contracts and in the real world.
You can look at some examples here from solidity: https://medium.com/@yenthanh/prevent-integer-overflow-in-ethereum-smart-contracts-a7c84c30de66
Here you can find some real world examples, where even planes and rockets have crashed because of integer over/under flow. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer_overflow#Examples
Thank you very much filip, this helps a lot