Idea for a new course - WEB 3.0 and Censorship

Hello Grant!

I would like to suggest an extension to the privacy course. In today’s video Ivan commented on a new protocol being developed by Huawei, called NEW IP, this project is another step towards internet censorship. I think the concern about privacy and combating censorship is growing a lot in the crypto community, so I think it would be interesting to talk about web 3.0 and the projects that are being developed to avoid censorship.

In summary, I would like 3 main themes to be addressed:

1 Internet censorship and its impacts on the industry.

2 IPFS and the possibility of ensuring information integrity.

3 Projects that are under development for web 3.0.


1 Resistance to censorship is crucial for society and for our industry. Currently, there are several problems caused by the lack of privacy and censorship. In countries like China, Russia and Iran there is a massive censorship network for different content on the internet, this affects our industry a lot in several aspects.

Ivan has always shown his priority in educating people and this type of censorship is something that prevents the spread of content and education. In addition, censorship has the most diverse economic impacts in the area of blockchain, this limits the growth of the industry, for example it slows down the opportunity for unbanked people to have better opportunities.

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2 I think it would be extremely important to address topics like IPFS and the impact of that on society. In our industry there is already an immense demand for decentralization and it would be interesting to associate a course that addresses IPFS and link this to the different projects that exist in this area such as Filecoin and Unstopabble Domais, which is a partner of IvanonTech. I think there could be an interesting integration.

Domains brought by projects like Unstoppable Domais are a great tool to prevent sites from being taken down.

And in addition, we have the serious problem of internet censorship that occurs in countries like China, Russia and Iran. Billions of people are harmed by this, but IPFS does not have a solution to bypass these government firewalls, as censorship is established at ISPs.

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3 There are numerous projects being developed to combat censorship, such as MASQ, Orchid, Skycoin, Elastos, among others. Skycoin and Elastos seek to recreate the structure of the internet and replace TCP / IP, but I think they are very broad and are not ideas focused on privacy but on recreating the internet.

Some projects are more focused on solving only censorship, such as Orchid, which works as a decentralized vpn and MASQ, which is an advance to decentralized vpn, both aim to monetize information traffic and offer a service compared to vpn.

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Resuming. There are some important niches in the projects that will contribute to web 3.0:

  • Decentralized data
  • Decentralized hosting.
  • Decentralized social media
  • Decentralized web (similar to VPN but improved)

These projects should bring millions of people to a free web and allow access to all products and services available in blockchains.

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Hey, sorry I didn’t notice the thread earlier - interesting idea! It seems like there’s a decentralized version of everything now, and it’s cool when they play nicely together like IPFS and blockchain. Will keep it in mind!


Thank you Grant!

Ivan posted an interview yesterday on Youtube with a project called Threefold, which is looking for a solution to this problem. There is a huge demand for vpn, it is a multi-billion dollar market and with the crackdown that China is imposing on vpn services, consumers will look for a solution.

There are several projects looking for different solutions to this problem. Elastos / Skycoin and Threefold are looking for a solution by reshaping the form of communication and using hardware devices to decentralize the web. Other projects are seeking to use the web protocols and network without modification, but masking the data to prevent governments from being able to block communication or even identify suspicious information traffic, such as MASQ.

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