How to transfer eth from wallet address(create automatic by Moralis) to another wallet address?

Hi all,

When I login website via my Google account, Moralis will create 1 wallet address(call wallet A).
I can send eth to this wallet(A) successful.( I send from my another wallet from MetaMask and sign by MetaMask).

const {fetch, isFetching} = useWeb3Transfer({
amount: Moralis.Units.ETH(amount),
receiver: receiver,
type: ‘native’,

My problems: Now I want send from this wallet(A) to another wallet address.
I tried with code above and extension MetaMask open for sign. Whatttt ? How and Why to sign wallet address which create by Moralis when I login with google account with extension MetaMask on my local?

I very confuse here. By u know we can transfer eth from wallet address when we must have private key. In this case we have not private key, Moralis storage somewheres?

Question: How to send eth from this wallet address(A) to another wallet address?

Thanks for reading
P/S: Sorry my bad English