Homework: Web3.0 and Tokens

  1. monetizing protocols, decentralized applications, erc-20 protocol
  2. a token can be a currency, or a utility or a collectible, or anything you want to program it to be.
  3. to create a token on etheruem you must create a smart contract protocol to define the supply, use, and protocol of your token to create an economy for it to be useful or demanded.
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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    The economical gains can be shared more equally. It ensures more transparency and can’t be censored or blocked by an authority

  2. What is a token?
    A token is an eco-system based on the ERC20 standard on the Ethereum platform. There are fungible tokens (currencies) and non fungible (NTF) tokens for unique items

  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    A token is a smart contract and needs to meet to the ERC20 standard.

  1. The benefits are that the value of the protocol is captured. As the value of the tokens increase, so does the value of ethereum. Importantly, the users of a dapp get rewarded with cryptocurrency, where in Web 2.0 the users rewarded the application.

  2. A token can deploy a smart contract on ethereum that represents their own cryptocurrency.

  3. All tokens are created using ERC20 language. They are build on the ethereum network…


1: Web 3.0 is a one stop shop where users can gain access to dapp’s on different blockchains that allow them to do amazing things, on a decentalized network.

2: A token is an asset created on the ethereum blockchain. It can be fungible or non-fungible.

3: You create a token on Ethereum using a smart contract.

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1.What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
The economic value of the internet will be shared amog the users and the content creators instead of a handfull of companies that profit by selling our time, our seach pattern, our attention and our information keeping almost all the value for themselfs.

  1. What is a token?
    A token is a smart contract that represents a cryptocurrecy created on top of another coin’s protocol.

  2. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    To create a token we need to create a smart contract written in Solidity.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    Less concentration of power, greater flexibility of web services.

  2. What is a token?
    A token is a digital asset that represents some real world asset, either fungible or unique.

  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    To create a token on ETH, you use the language of Solidity to program a dapp conforming to the ERC20 standard.

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  1. Web 3. allows for users to gain economic rewards by using an application. Rewareds for posts, content, and likes are paid to users - not to a central company that controls the app such a facebook.
  2. a token is means for tranferring economic rewards and for keeping track of the value of an app
  3. you create an application that uses ERC 20 standards for the tokens
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  1. Innovation, lower barriers to entry, increased competition, economic growth in industries traditionally dominated by large corporate entities.

  2. A token is a programmable digital asset.

  3. It is created by implementing a SC, using the token standards ERC20, ERC721, or ERC233.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?

Web 3.0 brings together decentralization in the form of distributed apps and services together with customizable and tradable incentivization structures in the form of tokens, to deliver faster and more streamlined services without middlemen and with incentivization for early adoption.

  1. What is a token?

A token is a tradable asset created on and managed by an algorithmic consensus network such as Ethereum. It is used in various projects to create a unique incentive plan that can be trusted by everyone who interacts with it because it is open and immutable.

  1. How do you create a token on Ethereum?

You create and publish to the blockchain an ERC20 smart contract defining how the tokens are created and distributed.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    the opportunity to compete with big corporations

  2. What is a token?
    A digital asset

  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    a small contract program that follows stardates such as ERC 20

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1There are going to be more oportunities for the people to earn money. The big companies are going to have less chance of controlling everything as monopolies.

2 Is a smart contract represented in a virtual coin that has a value equivalent to money.

3 Through smart contracts.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    The chance of having a better alternative than the big players out there.
  2. What is a token?
    A smart contract that follows standards such as ERC20.
  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    You need to build a smart contract within the ERC20 standard.
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1.) Web 3.0 is an improvement over 2.0 because it is decentralized and monopolies are being taken down .early adopters are being incentivized to join early for economical gains.

2.) on the ethereum blockchain the native coin would be ether. a token however is the native currency of another network or dapp build on the ethereum blockchain.

3.) a token is created by using one of the different token standards. those can be fungible and non fungible.

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  1. Benefits of Web 3.0 is the use of tokens and coins as part of the internet experience. This allows users to be rewarded for using the applications of companies and not just the companies taking all the rewards of crowd sourced data

  2. Tokens are like coins that are built on top of a real coin. They are a currency on top of a currency/platform.

  3. You can create a token on ethereum by using the standards of ethereum where the smart contract developed uses ether in order to function.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    First of all its future gains of using this early platforms, decentralized
  2. What is a token?
    Token is local currency of any dapps of project builded on ethereum
  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    You can create fungible or non-fungible tokens. Tokens creates by smart contracts( and probably by staking it?)
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  1. Smaller companies have a chance to compete with the larger players by introducing incentive to earn.

  2. A token is a cryptocurrency that exists on another blockchain.

  3. By building a smart contract with the ER20 Standard.

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1). The benefits of web 3.0:

  1. Transparency - you can follow your own data and inspect the code behind the platforms you choose to use.

2). Less Middlemen - Decentralization promises to connect providers directly with consumers. No central authority will take a cut of the profits from an electronic transaction.

3). Privacy - you can secure and track your personal data on the web.

  1. Data ownership & sharing - to possess one personal profile that works across several platforms.

5). Incentivize creators - Connecting consumers directly with producers has the added benefit of making it easier to become a producer. With on middlemen or gatekeepers, people all around the world can start businesses and find customers directly on Web 3.0.

2). Tokens are a representation of a particular asset or utility, usually resides on top of another blockchain.

3). Tokens are created by using a smart contract on the Ethereum network.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?

A decentralized internet would give the opportunity for smaller companies
to compete with large corporations like Facebook and Google.
Early adopters are incentivized to use a new platform as they will be
rewarded with a higher number of tokens than later in a platform’s life cycle
when adoption has increased and the value of those tokens have as well.

  1. What is a token?

A token is a cryptocurrency/digital asset (fungible or non-fungible)
that is developed using a smart contract (ethereum, EOS, Tron, etc.)
It’s a programmed money of fixed supply based on smart contract.

  1. How do you create a token on Ethereum?

Tokens can be created on Ethereum using a smart contract
and coding by the some of the standards like ERC20, ERC721 and ERC1155…

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1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
New economy model with Tokens without middle-man.

2. What is a token?
Token is programmable digital asset.

3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
Token can be created using smart contract.

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  1. Capturing the value at protocol level, transparancy.
  2. A token is cryptocurrency assest which doesn’t have it’s own blockchain but runs on the top of anothers coin blockchain.
  3. By creating a smart contract on Ethereum with ERC20.
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