Homework: Web3.0 and Tokens

  1. The benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet) is the allow content and protocol creators to capture the value that is being generated on the network, instead of having that value being captured solely by apps that exist on top of the network.
  2. A token is a (smart contract based) protocol that is built on top of an existing blockchain, whose transactions are run on that blockchain.
  3. You create a token on Ethereum by creating or modifying a valid etherium smart contract code, then publishing it to the network.
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A decentralized internet would give more opportunities for small businesses to grow faster and compete with larger corporations. Early adopters will be incentivized to use the platform and post content on it.

A token is a cryptocurrency asset that can be fungible or non-fungible that is developed using a smart contract. (EOS, Ethereum, or Tron)

A token can be created on Ethereum using a smart contract and simple coding.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)? allows economic value. internet monopolies provide no economic value other than the companies . what web 1.0 failed to do .
  2. What is a token? eth is a coin . smart contracts or daps built on top of eth can be considered tokens.
  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum? need ether for gas. smart contract written in erc20 or erc 720 & erc 1155 for NFTS.
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1)Benefits of web 3.0 are small companies will able to compete with giant companies ,early adopters will be incentivized for contributing to the network and peer to peer transactions will be possible
2)Token is a digital asset which can be fungible or non-fungible created on a blockchain platform
3)Token can be created on ethereum blockchain with the help of smart contact and by following ERC20 standards for fungible tokens and ERC721 or ERC1155 for non fungible tokens

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  1. Transparency, discovery and testing of new financial systems.
  2. A token is a smart contract built on top of a blockchain. There are different standard depending on its function.
  3. You pick the ERC standard for the token you want to create. You define the parameters (such as total supply) and you deploy on the Ethereum blockchain.
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  1. Small companies can grow and compete on a large scale with the help of their communities, early adopters, and even small investors. By eliminating the need for intermediaries, they all get not only real financial incentives that encourage adoption, but also ownership and security of their data.

  2. A token is a cryptocurrency written on a blockchain. These tokens can be fungible or non-fungible.

  3. Through a smart contract, using the ERC-20 standard in the case of fungible tokens and ERC-1155 or ERC-721 in the case of non-fungible tokens.

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  1. The benefits of Web 3.0 is it is decentralized, no middleman, it’s trust less and individuals can benefit.
  2. A token is a programmable digital asset.
  3. You can create a token by programming a smart contract
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  • What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?

In a dezentralized dapp the user could earn an asset from the pages he uses to gain interest and also traffic, instead of being used to create money like at the moment in web 2.0 apps.
Furthermore the web 3.0 is highly intelligent by using A.I. technology and is everywhere available.

  • What is a token?

A digital asset.

  • How do you create a token on Ethereum?

You will need to programm a Ethereum based smart contract with solidity. Preferably with the common ERC-20 standard.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)? Transparency. Smaller companies get opportunity to grow and complete with Facebook and Google. Increase of peer to peer contact with no middleman on the internet. More content value.
  2. What is a token? A token is a unit in a smart contract that includes account address and their balances that is built on smart contract platforms like Ethereum-programmed money on fixed supply.
  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum? A token s created on Ethereum as the infrastructure with a smart contract.
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Value is created and captured at protocol level by anyone who can deploy a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain.

A token is a digital asset deployed using a smart contract.

Tokens are created with Solidity programming language using standards like ERC20, ERC721 and ERC1155.

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  1. No middle man,
  2. A token is something that is built on a platform underlying protocol
  3. By using solidity code and having ETH as gas fees
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  1. Advantages of Web 3.0 are that
    centralized and decentralized websites
    and apps can all be developed. The value
    is captured at the protocol level. If you
    invest in the blockchain, then you are also
    investing in everything built on it. Smaller
    companies will be able to compete with
    larger ones, and the value will be to the
    users, not corporations or middlemen.
  2. Tokens are digital assets (units of value,
    cryptocurrencies) that are managed by
    smart contracts and an underlying
    blockchain. They can represent anything
    from a store of value to a set of
    permissions in the physical, digital, and
    legal world.
  3. Tokens are created by smart contracts that
    use one of the ERC standards and run on
    the Ethereum blockchain.
  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    you don’t need to trust a major corporation.

  2. What is a token?
    are special kinds of virtual currency token that reside on their own blockchains and represent an asset or utility.

  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    tokens are created by smart contract

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    Everyone has incentive to contribute and engage
    Web 2.0 Dapps are not censorable
  2. What is a token?
    A unit of value on a Ethereum/Cryptocurrency/Blockchain, normally very divisible but inside the contracts, just an integer but displayed to users with possible fractional (decimal points) value
  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    Run a smart contract, most often of the ERC20 standard.
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  1. Centralised and decentralised websites and apps can be developed and if you invest in a blockchain company you invest in the foundations as well and allows companies you believe in to compete and return benefit to you
    2.Tokens are unit of value on ERC20 Ethereium inside contracts.
    3.Run smart contract
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  1. will open the door for small companies to compete.
  2. cryptocurrencies that developed over a protocol like Ethereum using smart contracts.
  3. over Ethereum or others like EOS…
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What are the benefits of web 3.0?
Web 3.0 enables a future where distributed users and machines are able to interact with data, value, and other counterparties through a substrate of peer-to-peer networks without the need for third parties.

What is a token?
A unit of value on a blockchain issued by smart contracts. Tokens can be fungible or non-fungible. On the Ethereum blockchain, tokens are fungible meaning they are interchangeable with other ERC 20 tokens.

How do you create a token on Ethereum?
Tokens can be created on Ethereum by smart contracts.

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1.What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?

  • Unlike Web 1.0 which was static and Web 2.0 which is much more dynamic with lots of interaction and has a huge variety of content, Web 3.0 offers the possibility for small businesses or individuals to gain a huge early adapter advantage. There is a real opportunity to create and release value on the Web 3.0 unlike the previous web structures.
  1. What is a token?
  • A programable digital asset which can be used for anything. It can be contained within a database entry in a Smart contract that can be programmed so that payment can be made with the token, at a certain time in the future when certain conditions are met.
  1. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
  • To create a token on Ethereum you use the standard ERC20 to create a Smart contract.
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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    One of the benefits Is that wealth and value will be more evenly distributed. Any dapp can deploy their own tokens on a platform, with their own economic model, purpose and solution they are providing to a problem that will vary slightly from all others. Not only the pioneers, but the users and content creators can also gain value from interacting e.g.steemit pays tokens for likes and interesting content on its platform. This is an exciting emancipation, because in Web 2.0 large corporations took almost all the profits, with developers gaining little. The other benefits are the distributed ledger advantages of security, transparency, efficiency, with no need for middlemen.

  2. What is a token?
    Tokens represent other assets or utility, running on the Ethereum platform, or other platforms e.g. polka dot,cardano. They are fungible and tradable There are also other token standard’s than ERC 20 that have more recently provided other solutions and applications e.g. fixing a problem with the ERC 20 where tokenns mistakenly sent to a smart contract will be lost and development of nonfungible tokens which have Different qualities e.g. trading cards. Nonfungible tokens can also be used to represent other assets.

  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    A token can be developed with the ERC 20 template, which is standard on the Ethereum network. The content creators will have developed a smart contract/s , upon which the value of the token is based. This will be developed with solidity and translated into code via a compiler.

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  1. Transparency thanks to digital ledger technology has enabled a decentralised web, this transparency allows anyone to be able to validate, data, and inspect the code of the platform.
    Decentralisation is also creating a fairer playing field. Where a few enormous company’s have had the monopoly on value of the web2.0.
    Data is kept private, due to web3.0 trustless manner.
    Creator’s and investors are financially incentivised.
    Fewer middle men.

  2. A token is a programmable digital asset built upon the ethereum blockchain.

  3. A token is created by writing a smart contract using a token standard like ERC20, ERC721 and ERC233 and then deploying it on to the ethereum blockchain.

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