Help with basic Javascript problem

Hi, In this question where I am trying to make a one question quiz, it seems as though the variable which is pegged to the input from the prompt is not changing when i re run the script. I have input many different answers to change the variable ‘input1’ trying to recieve the response for an incorrect answer but i am still recieving the CORRECT! alert. any help is appreciated.

hey I have this problem on trading view can you help me ?
Add to Chart operation failed, reason: line 13: syntax error at input ‘long’](

Hi @StorDreng!
You have an error in your condition. It should be if (answer1 === input1)

=== or == are used when you want to check if variables are equal

while you have if (answer1 = input1)

= is an assignment operator. It always returns true. That’s why you always get the “CORRECT!” alert.

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Small note. = does not always return true. In your particular case it evaluates to true. But = returns the value that was assigned to a variable (in js).