Gitlab at Moralis

  1. What are the problems with only using Slack?
  2. How does Gitlab solve these issues?
  3. What to do if you are not sure where to create your issue?
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  1. What are the problems with only using Slack?

is difficult to communicate efficently.
difficult to communicate information in structured logical way

  1. How does Gitlab solve these issues?

find the subgroup > create issues >

  1. What to do if you are not sure where to create your issue?

ask the manager, but just create the issue then move it to the subgroup.

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1. What are the problems with only using Slack?

  • Async is not rewards as much as sync
  • difficult to communicate information in a structured and logical way
  • To effectively communicate you need to inform the team member of the context, actual issue, proposed solution and then the call to action (what do you want them to do)
  • This is is difficult on slack as it rewards short messages and instantly pings other members of the team. Without full context this will lead to back and forth synchronous communication.
  • With slack you must be glued to it, monitoring notifications real-time, and always on edge as you can miss conversations

2. How does Gitlab solve these issues?

  • Subgroups - you can join subgroups that are relevant to your work
  • Issues - Gitlab issues rewards writing long thought out problems with context, issue, proposed solution and call to action
  • It has templates to show you how to format your problem
  • It rewards taking time to fill out issues and comments rather than pinging back and forth

3. What to do if you are not sure where to create your issue?

  • If uncertain you may check with your manager, but the important thing is to create the issue, so don’t over-analyse this. Just create the issue and if needed you can move it later to the correct project.
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1. What are the problems with only using Slack?

it is not a good tool to communicate as async and document everything

2. How does Gitlab solve these issues?

by allowing to document and track the issue and assign it to someone
GitLab allows us to identify these things

  1. The context of the issue
  2. The actual issue
  3. The proposed solution
  4. Call to action

3. What to do if you are not sure where to create your issue?

“ask the manager, but just create the issue then move it to the subgroup.”

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  1. Only using Slack is an ineffective form of synchronous communication. It is difficult to explain things in Slack in a structured manner.

  2. Gitlab offers an easily accessible archive format for reviewing historic data. Gitlab also has a structured design that makes it easier to explain complex problems in detail, which effectively helps team members understand what you are trying to communicate to them.

  3. Ask your manager, but you can also just create the issue and move it later once you have the specifics.

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Moralis Web3 with Gitlab for collaboration

  1. The most prominent flaw and inefficiency of Slack is that it’s difficult to communicate information in a structured logical way.
  2. Gitlab solves these issues. You need to know how to create Gitlab issues so that you can communicate your thoughts and ideas in an efficient way and you can collaborate effectively.
  3. If you are uncertain check with your manager. But the most important thing is that the issue gets created - don’t overanalyze this. :rocket:
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What are the problems with only using Slack?
Lacking of effective Communication
Slack is Synchronous
Hard to discuss across teams and across time
How does Gitlab solve these issues?
Gitlab has:

  1. The context of the issue
  2. The actual issue
  3. The proposed solution
  4. Call to action
    It’s asynchronous. Team members can read it in different time zones in their own time.
    What to do if you are not sure where to create your issue?
    Ask your manager what subgroup your team has on Gitlab.
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  1. What are the problems with only using Slack?
    It’s difficult to communicate information in a structured, logical way, due to its synchronous nature.

  2. How does Gitlab solve these issues?
    Gitlab allows persistent issues to be discussed and worked through asynchronously. It provides a place for each issue and helps ensure things can be prioritised and that they don’t slip through the cracks.

  3. What to do if you are not sure where to create your issue?
    Create it in general or general-issues project in the appropriate subgroup.

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  1. It is difficult to communicate efficiently on Slack, especially when you want to communicate in a structured logical way. It is hard to express complex ideas in Slack and they look like a wall of text which is hard to follow. Also it is hard to find back what you discussed at some time in the past, and what was the conclusion.

  2. You can structure thoughts in a logical way and very structured. You can create headers, with subgroups. You can provide some context, the actual issue, together with the proposed solution, and also the call to action.

  3. If you are not sure where to create an issue just ask your manager what is your subgroup. But you can just create the issue and then you can move it to the correct subgroup.

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  1. Slack is synchronous and works best for real time chatting. Slack is literally gluing you to the screen and forces you to monitor notifications in real-time.
  2. By creating issues on Gitlab its easier to go back to a specific topic and point out what someone said, instead of having to scroll for minutes until you finally find what you were looking for. Every team has a subgroup where issues can be created.
  3. You can check with your manager, but most importantly you should create the issue either way and get going. Don’t over analyze.
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  1. It can become only sync communication, which we want to avoid, it can sometimes be difficult to communicate efficiently and to structure the info in a logical way.
  2. You just find your sub-group and create an issue there. Everyone can see and contribute to the issue. Also, when creating an issue there, there is a template that you need to follow, so it makes you structure your thoughts when creating the ticket.
  3. You can create the ticket and then ask for guidance, as the ticket can be moved to another subgroup.
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  1. Difficult to communicate efficiently and difficult to communicate information in a structured logical way.
  2. By having subgroups and by being able to create issues to be share across teams
  3. Select general or general-issues projects or check with your manager, don’t over analyze
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  1. What are the problems with only using Slack?
    Slack is great for real time and direct or small groups communication but for async Gitlab is way better

  2. How does Gitlab solve these issues?
    It does by having subgroups, templates, issues, etc. Everything can be used async there

  3. What to do if you are not sure where to create your issue?
    Check with your manager but the important thing is to create the issue, it can be moved later

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  1. What are the problems with only using Slack?

The biggest flaw of Slack is that it’s difficult to communicate information in a structured logical way.
It works against our Asynchronous Communication.
To communicate effectively you need to inform the team of the context of the issue, the actual issue, the proposed solution, call to action, this is difficult in slack that caters to short messages, resulting in time wasted in back and forth conversations to answer team questions explaining what you are trying to ask for.

Slack is literally gluing you to the screen and forces you to monitor notifications in real-time.

Slack makes it difficult to communicate across teams and overtime. Having to search for the right communication you at looking for a waste of my time.

  1. How does Gitlab solve these issues?

Sept groups allow you to join the sub group that is relevant to your work.
Issues issues rewards in writing on thought out context about the issue proposed solution a call to action
Get the app as templates to show you how to document your problem or issue.
Rewards taking five or 10 minutes to fill out the issues and comments clearly states a lot of time having to clarify it back-and-forth with the team members

  1. What to do if you are not sure where to create your issue?

You can check with your manager, but the important thing is to create an issue. Don’t offer any just create the issue. I needed again, correct it or clarify it later.

1. What are the problems with only using Slack?

It rewards you for answering quickly. If you are not available during the conversation then you have to go back through and try to piece together what happened. It is not asynchronous. It is difficult to communicate information in a structured logical way.

2. How does Gitlab solve these issues?

Rather then having a scattered discussion like a group texting festival, Getlab is structured so you can see the main issue and proposals.

3. What to do if you are not sure where to create your issue?

Ask your manager what Subgroup you team is on in Gitlab. You then find your subgroup and create an issue. Click on general issues. You then create an issue. Follow the template that is provided on what to add to your issue.