Flex box issues and other as well

Sometimes in my code the word do not change color like they’re supposed to. I watch the videos but they aren’t changing color like in the videos.

I am currently doing JavaScript Programming lesson “Flex Box”. But this has happened before in a different lesson. But I would just like for the code to turn the same color as in the instructors walkthrough.

Do I need to download an extension? I’m just wondering why it isn’t changing the same color. What are all the necessary extensions I need to have installed?(if that is the source of the issue)

https://itnext.io/12-vs-code-extensions-you-should-consider-using-4747e6281ee Here are some of the extensions you should considering using.

This will change the colors of the code, attributes , etc to the correct color?

I just downloaded all of the extensions that the article listed. I now have them in Visio Studio Code.