Zcoin still uses ‘mint’ and ‘spend’ transactions, but this time via a new protocol. Use these two links to answer the questions and post your answers below:
- Sigmamints: https://explorer.zcoin.io/address/Sigmamint
- Sigmaspends: https://explorer.zcoin.io/address/Sigmaspend
- What is the net number of shielded Zcoins in circulation, as of today?
- Suppose you want to shield 11.25 Zcoins via Sigmamint. Ignoring change and fee, what will be the number and value of transaction outputs?
- Alice shields 100 Zcoins via Sigmamint and sends them to Bob via Sigmaspend. What information is visible if you know Alice’s address? If you know Bob’s address?
- In the above scenario, how do we calculate Bob’s anonymity set? (the number of different plausible senders)