Feeling overwhlemed Flexbox-assignment

Hey everyone. Only been in HTML & CSS for a short while. As a begineer it was not a easy task to digest all the information with HTML language. Now with CSS after going through the sections and doing some of the flexzombie. I’m following the language patterns but it feels overwhelming to remember everything previously. To put into practice. I have to go back a bunch of times to remember what we did. CSS still not 100% confident. Has anyone experienced this? Any suggestions to learning in a simplier method way. It scrammbles my brain all over. My pace is slower at the moment. Little discouraging not having a actual person next to me. Good for having forums. Any help would be appreciated.


this is normal in the beginning dont worry at all. also in html you will usually obnly ever use the div and span tags mostyle so you dont need to go learning all of the different tags. your app will usually be compossed of sections in each section youll have a container div and will structure evrything inside ths. but dont worry your not alone at all just keep building and watching tutorials and eventually it will click


appreciate it Mcgrane. Actually, someone took time to response. I kinda feel guilty moving forward with the course sections, ya know. I try to give it a honesty effort before moving forward. Or looking at other student’s answers. I’ve been trying w3school.com to practice and watching youtube videos. Hope it clicks soon. It not an enjoyable experience atm i’m but being patient.

Hi, do not get dis-heartened. I went through the same task going over things again. I now feel really confident in HTML and CSS. I would say I am 50% with javascript and 50% with Solidity. However, what I have learned is read as much code as you can outside of the course also. I am also a slow learner because I do not move onto the next subject until I am confident and qualified to do so. Just do not give up. BELIEVE me I have attempted to give up a few times, but now that I have grasped html and css, I realize that it really is a case of hanging in there and bit by bit it will come to you, then you start to see the bigger picture as you build out websites. Hope this helps. I am where you are now with javascript but I am not giving up because my aim is web3 development.


Hi, I actually felt the same. HTML was easy for me but when CSS started it had a snowball effect. When I got to CSS Diner, I couldn’t do a majority of it (I looked for a solution and managed just a few by myself). I struggled going forward, especially a lot with building web layouts, somehow managed to complete but I was feeling very frustrated. For now, I stopped at JS Objects and Arrays and I just can’t continue. It is not a way I want to learn, it makes no sense.
So I took a step back and found a great HTML&CSS tutorial for beginners (which I completed today) and I will continue with JavaScript and when I get all the simple things, I will come back to this course. My advice to you - check out Youtube, there are plenty of very beginner friendly tutorials and also you can Google some great courses, even free ones.


thanks Mcgrane5, NetworkP, Ivetaa really appreciate the feedback and support. One part of me is old school where I wish I was actually in a class to raise my hand. Still being here is better than nothing :slight_smile: Coming from the work field where the work is repetative medically everyday. My mind is rebuilding, I guess to internalize new information thats unknown to me. Challenging my mind in everyway. I put alot of persurre on myself when I"m learing something new. Especially, with a goal of getting involved as blockchain developer. At this point, I need to take a break or walk away let the information connect naturally. It’s important to keep that motivation. I"m taking chunks of information everyday. Watching videos just to plant those seeds to settle into my mind. Actually, some details are starting to stick the last few days. Self-Grow( flexboxzombie) is kicking my butt atm lol . I’m still figuring out the small connecting structure details. Keeping it fun, perserverance, not giving up ! Hope anyone else feels like this. This helps them too along the way.


You have the right attitude. We are very similar, I also am hard on myself because I am so determined. Walking away when the going gets tough is also healthy…as long as you come back haha…
Someone mentioned that HTML is easy. I agree. CSS more challenging but fun and I enjoy it. Solidity is fun and I enjoy that too. Javascript out of all of them is my biggest challenge personally. Keep going friend, the fact that you are even here, puts you in the world 5% if even that at this point, so always see the positives and think where you will be six to twelve months for now.

Good day!

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Thanks NetworkP sounds like we’re both similar. Definaltely, I’m the very determinded type as well. I’ve never changelled myself on this level. Especially, something involving technology. It’s a grind for sure, some good days and other fustrating days. But with anything in life it takes time and patience. The day I can finally walk away from the medically field will be like a reborn of life lol. Time to move onto better things, ya know. I’m still grinding in here.