Fake Eth in Test Network Not Showing in Balances

Hi all,
I am currently on the “Metamask Balances” lesson in the [2021 JavaScript Programming for Blockchain Developers].

I have 0.3 ETH in my Metamask under the Rinkeby Test Network however I am unable to see this in my balance when I console.log balances.

This is my current code for which I get an empty array. Appreciate any help!

async function getStats() {
    const balances = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenBalances({chain: 'polygon'});
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I am agree your information is very interesting . and good question .but i am not idea.

Hey @Eleanor_Tay, hope you are well.

Take a look into the docs for getTokenBalances, you have specified the polygon chain, instead rinkeby.

Check the lookup values for which chain are supported and the code value of it.

So it should be:

async function getStats() {
    const balances = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenBalances({chain: 'rinkeby'});

Hope it helps.

Carlos Z

Hi Carlos,
Thanks for reaching out. I unfortunately still get a blank array even after changing my chain to rinkeby

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Indeed, although in the docs said that the address is optional, apparently is required.

Try with:

async function getStats() {
    const balances = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenBalances({chain: 'rinkeby', address:'YOURADDRESSHERE'});

Carlos Z

Hey All

I’m stuck on this too.

const paramaters = {chain: 'eth', address: '0x3...MYADDRESS...'};
const balances = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenBalances(paramaters);

My results are continually ‘[ ]’ in the console.log

I have .0077 ETH in my Ethereum Mainnet account.

Shouldn’t this show up when I console log?