Hi there FAO Philip/Others,
Guys/Philip pls help to make this easier for future videos.
I see that other people also may be struggling step-by-step typing along and following these tutorials where Philip makes a really quick (seemingly easy right!) Remix selection, or where his code (it’s a miracle! LOL) compiled already…
Here are 3 screen-shots;
- Philip’s video & code with his syntax which is exactly the same as mine
- screenshot of my Remix throws an error with the code line 45
" govermentInstance.addTransaction(msg.sender, recipient, amount); " - I thought perhaps it’s because the case doesn’t match, so I changed it to upper-case “G” at the front
" GovermentInstance.addTransaction(msg.sender, recipient, amount); "
still no luck!
These things makes it takes hours (for me sometimes) who wants to “get it right” and still something isn’t compiling but I am NOT any kinda expert on Remix…pls help?