in the Truffle Hello World video, Fhilip showed us after running “truffle init” to initialise the truffle project, there should be a migration.sol and 1_initial_migration.js in the contracts and migrations folder respectively. However in the current version of Solidity for VS Code (not sure does it have the same issue in other IDEs), I’ve looked Solidity Gibhub link and apparent as of v5.5.27, it no longer auto generates the Migration.sol and 1_initial_migration.js files when initialising truffle.
So does this mean I need to hand type in this two files? or we actually doesn’t need it?
From the git hub link I included above, it gives me the impression that on chain migration (I assume that’s what Migration.sol and 1_initial_migration.js is doing) is not a good idea, and thus it prompts the remove of the auto generation of this two files.
What is the best industry practice to approach this? and how should I solve this issue before continuing with the course?