Hi Amadeo,
I am currently doing Defi 101 course and really enjoyng it. I am trying to use a lot of the DeFi projects you have mentioned in this course for explorartion puposes. I have added small amout of ETH in my MetaMask wallet to interact with the varoius blockchian projects. I mainly trying to use 1Inch, UniSwap, Compound, PoolTohether etc and I am finding out the Gas fees is extremly high somewhere close to 10 to 20 USD in some cases. I have not done any trades tjinking I might be doing something wrong.
I do have some basic understanding about Gas and how it works but may be not enough to understand why I am geting so high fees for my Trx? Is it due to small amounts in my transactions, no miner wants to validate it? I have attached some examples.
Are ther some tips, tricks or best practices to minimize the Gas price in your Trx?