EOS Deployment - Discussion

Welcome to the thread about EOS deployment. Here you can discuss everything about the eos deployment and potential problems that you might stumble upon.

Iā€™ve deployed EOS on virtualboxed Ubuntu 16.04. Can do basic stuffs! :smiley: waiting for your stuffs @filip

Error 3090003: provided keys, permissions, and delays do not satisfy declared authorizations
Ensure that you have the related private keys inside your wallet and your wallet is unlocked.
Error Details:
transaction declares authority '{"actor":"user","permission":"active"}', but does not have signatures for it.

the wallet is unlocked, here is the response I got when publishing

Reading WAST/WASM from HelloWorld.wast...
Assembling WASM...
Publishing contract...
executed transaction: 1dae8f806554c71be94738ab8b4dc136646eb385ff40b4448fab51f389ac4b22  1800 bytes  8277 us
#         eosio <= eosio::setcode               {"account":"hello.code","vmtype":0,"vmversion":0,"code":"0061736d01000000013b0c60027f7e006000017e600...
#         eosio <= eosio::setabi                {"account":"hello.code","abi":"0e656f73696f3a3a6162692f312e3000010568656c6c6f00010475736572046e616d6...

any insight appreciated

What is the full command that generated the error?

cleos push action hello.code hello '["user"]' -p user

I went back and saw that I created an account richard and it worked when I used that instead of user


Interesting. Iā€™m glad you are able to move forward. Did you create the user account in the same way?

I did not create ā€œuserā€, I must have missed that part somehow.

When i type in the command cleos push action hello.code hello ā€˜[ā€œuserā€]ā€™ -p user I donā€™t het any output from the console, just the message that transaction was completed

Try to add the flag --contracts-console when starting nodeos.

Hi @filip, Iā€™m looking forward to the video about deploying to testnet (Jungle?) and mainnet!
When can I expect it to be online :)?



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Hi @Sebastiaan,

I hope to be able to record and release this video in mid august. Iā€™m sorry about the delay :slight_smile:

Hi @filip,

Iā€™ve completed your EOS programming course, great value for money :slight_smile:

Am I right in thinking that nodeos just provides a rest api in order for us to interact with the smart contracts we deploy and if we want to say, build a web application that uses our deployed smart contracts, then we just write a ā€œnormalā€ web app that calls the ā€œmainā€ eos blockchain via the nodeos rest api and publish the web app to a ā€œnormalā€ web server host, and would this web app that calls into smart contracts be called a dapp?



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Thatā€™s correct @dthomas
If you happen to be doing a javascript web app with something like React/Vue/Angular or have a Nodejs backend calling your smart contract, then you can use EOSjs from the EOSio team. Otherwise Iā€™d say to port their code over to a language of your choice for a good starting point.

I donā€™t think the community has outlined if just the smart contract/s or contract/s plus web application are classified as the DApp, but personally Iā€™d say the whole package is the DApp.

Thank you @MitchPierias. I have an existing c# web application, parts of which could be ported over to the blockchain. I think Iā€™ll write a c# webapi wrapper around EOSjs/Nodejs exposing the methods that my existing application needs. Thanks again for the confirmation and the EOS course.

Thank you for your kind words @dthomas. Iā€™m happy to hear that you enjoyed the course and that you will use the knowledge in practice.

I also agree with @MitchPierias about eosjs. Thanks for helping out here in the community.

For all of you that asked about deployment videos. Those are now available in the course. I hope you will enjoy them :slight_smile:

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I get this error when I try to push an action, do you know if i am doing anything wrong:

isam@isam-SATELLITE-C850-1MC:~/contracts/HelloWorld$ cleos push action bob helloā€™[ā€œisamtest12ā€]ā€™-p isamtest12
Error 3010001: Invalid name
Name should be less than 13 characters and only contains the following symbol .12345abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

It works for me when I tried. You names seems alright. But your pasted command looks like it has bad syntax. It should be like this: cleos push action bob hello ā€˜[ā€œisamtest12ā€]ā€™ -p isamtest12

now I am getting this error:
isam@isam-SATELLITE-C850-1MC:~/contracts/HelloWorld$ cleos push action bob hello ā€˜[ā€œcarolā€]ā€™ -p carol
Error 3050000: action exception

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