ARK only raised $1M in their ICO and their market cap is currently valued at $365M.
All of the videos I’ve watched have hyped ARK as a sandbox for everyone playing in the cryptocurrency world of projects. This ambition takes a lot of capital to accomplish. I’ve also heard this is not a “money-motivated-team”. But, if not already, many of these leaders will be poaching targets for many new and better funded blockchain projects. It’s still a very competitive world in blockchain and cryptocurrency.
So before I choose ARK for a long term crypto investment hold (2 - 5 years) I need your help in understanding:
How is ARK funding this project with only $1M raised?
Is their CFO, Lars Rensing up to the task of leading this startup with ARK being his first rodeo as top dog?
I’ve heard responses of “That’s Private”, but does anyone know anything about the burn rate of this project for cash? Are we just ignoring this?
Thoughts at this time?