Disciplined People

  1. What is the Moralis DNA? Explain each of the components.
  2. What kind of people do we need at Moralis?
    Fill in the blanks:
    self- _____
    self- _____
  3. What traits do such people have? Explain in depth all the parts!
  4. What do we mean with massive delivery?
  5. What is meant by “the baseline” and what do you have to do in regards to “the baseline”?
  1. DNA is a culture
  2. No fear, teamwork, no limits
  3. Competitive skills with good chemistry
  4. Fluent communication
  5. Respect our requirements
  1. What is the Moralis DNA? Explain each of the components.
fearless, get out of our confort zone
    selfless,  help others, don't be idle
  tireless, try to be energetic, and hungry for success and greatness
  1. What kind of people do we need at Moralis?
  1. What traits do such people have? Explain in depth all the parts!

never-idle ; make sure you are proactively looking for new task, help other succeed, get additional work and step on other toes ; push the wagon!
(solution oriented): stay on task ; no straw-man, figure out stuff independently as much as you can, grab another task if you have time, write in tools for communciation like slack, document new discoveries or new information.
bias for action; no paralysis keep going if make mistakes try to correct them and document it
Sense of urgency. in a startup if we lose or gain time has compounding effects!

  1. What do we mean with massive delivery?

expect to progress quickly, achive massively in the shortest time possible.

  1. What is meant by “the baseline” and what do you have to do in regards to “the baseline”?

as contributor in a company , you would have assigned tasks those are your baseline, complete those fast and exceed it.

  1. What is the Moralis DNA? Explain each of the components.
    The Moralis DNA is that which everyone who gets hired needs to have, and that means people who are:
  • Fearless: Be able to go outside of our comfort zone to find the best possible solutions.

  • Selfless: That we take the whole team into consideration and work together - with and for others :slight_smile:

  • Tireless: We are energetic and hungry for success (excellence). We push the wagon each and every day, especially after we’ve already rested and recharged.

  1. What kind of people do we need at Moralis? Fill in the blanks:
  • self-going
  • self-driven
  • self-motivated
  1. What traits do such people have? Explain in depth all the parts!
  • Never idle
    As part of the team, we are expected to be at work, when we’re supposed to be at work - always keep pushing the wagon - and to never just be on stand-by, even if we get stuck because we need to wait on someone else who might not be available right away. There’s always something meaningful to work on or different ways to solve that situation, but just staying idle and wasting time is not acceptable. We are all expected to have short toes as well, so we shouldn’t be afraid of stepping on anyone’s toes by trying to keep the momentum going.

  • Solution-oriented
    As part of the Moralis team, we are expected to BYOS (bring your own solution). This means that we should be able to find our answers after researching to try to fix things by ourselves before we go ask for guidance and to pitch in with new ideas or innovations if we see fit along the way.

  • Bias For Action
    Bias for action, as mentioned in a previous reply, is accepting that we might make mistakes so that we remain action-oriented and don’t get paralyzed by indecision about what to do next. Fast results is the name of the game, so we should keep our focus on constantly pushing the wagon so that we don’t fall into the trap of analysis paralysis or sticking to a slow, quiet path without risk. Keeping a fast pace means we might make mistakes sometimes, but that same bias for action also allows us to course correct quickly.

  • Sense of urgency
    A sense of urgency is the feeling that a matter is pressing and can’t wait. Having a sense of urgency means that - while not compromising any of the other values - we should complete our tasks as soon as possible because time is of the essence and if we use it efficiently, it’ll have a big impact on our results.

  1. What do we mean by massive delivery?
    Massive delivery means that when we join Moralis, we’re expected to onboard ourselves and achieve visible results in the shortest time possible. If at some point we feel something is missing, we can flag it with our manager to make sure we keep going.

  2. What is meant by “the baseline” and what do you have to do in regards to “the baseline”?
    “The baseline” means the level at which the team at Moralis is already performing. As a new recruit within Moralis, we’re expected to perform at that same level - or better - as soon as possible. Otherwise, we’d be decreasing the talent density within Moralis.

1. What is the Moralis DNA? Explain each of the components.

  • Fearless - Ready to go outside the comfort zone, to find the best solution possible. You want to take on new challenges.
  • Selfless - You alone cannot achieve anything, you have to play in teams. One person only has 24hr per day, but a team has many more. We are here to achieve greatness together by working together, sharing information, supporting each other, handling difficulties and celebrating wins.
  • Tireless - We are in an industry that is growing quick, therefore we have to move quickly, we need people that are hungry, energetic for success and greatness. We may as individuals get tired, but we recharge and back in pushing the bar past the limit

2. What kind of people do we need at Moralis?

  • Self-going
  • Self-driven
  • Self-motivated

3. What traits do such people have? Explain in depth all the parts!

  • Never Idle - Sometimes you may get stuck, and need help from someone unavailable. You must act during that time, inform your squad on slack you are blocked and find another task while you wait for a response. It is unacceptable to be idle, because you are waiting for someones permission, or don’t want to step on someone toes (At Moralis the toes are short). You must be proactive and do something meaningful for Moralis every day.
  • Solution Oriented - if stuck and waiting for help, ensure you do your best research of the problem. Don’t waste time, do something to gain knowledge and understand the problem. Be solution oriented and try figure things out independently. If you’ve done everything possible then grab another task while you wait.
  • Bias for Action - Keep your focus on action, don’t be in analysis paralysis or pick the slow path without risk. Everyone will make mistakes, but it’s about the percentage of mistakes, the swift correction and resolution which is important.
  • Sense of urgency - Time gained/lost has a compounding effect at a high growth startup. Try get results as fast as possible without compromising Moralis’s values.

4. What do we mean with massive delivery?

  • You are expected to progress quickly and achieve massive delivery in the shortest time possible. You cannot get stuck learning the ropes for months.

5. What is meant by “the baseline” and what do you have to do in regards to “the baseline”?

  • Baseline - When you join a team your job is to quickly as possible become as good as your team members, and ideally better
  • If baseline isn’t reached, then you are decreasing the talent density
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1. What is the Moralis DNA? Explain each of the components.

fearless, get out of our comfort zone
selfless, help others, don’t be idle
tireless, try to be energetic, and hungry for success and greatness

2. What kind of people do we need at Moralis?

Fill in the blanks:
self- Motivated
self- Management

3. What traits do such people have? Explain in depth all the parts!

Never idle : they always seeking to take a task.if some of their current task is paused because of relating to a person in other timezone they can find a new task to do in between
Solution oriented : "If you are stuck and are waiting for help - ensure you do your best to research, google, read documentation, propose your own solutions. Don’t wait passively if there is something you can do to gain more knowledge and understanding of the problem. "
Bias for action : "It’s important that we keep our focus on action, and don’t fall into the trap of analysis paralysis or sticking to a slow, quiet path without risk. "
Sense or urgency:“At an exponentially-scaling startup, time gained or lost has compounding effects. Try to get the results as fast as possible, but without compromising our other values and ways we communicate, so the compounding of results can begin and we can focus on the next improvement.”

4. What do we mean with massive delivery?

“progress quickly and achieve massive delivery in the shortest time possible”

5. What is meant by “the baseline” and what do you have to do in regards to “the baseline”?

" Baseline - When you join a team your job is to quickly as possible become as good as your team members, and ideally better
If baseline isn’t reached, then you are decreasing the talent density"

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  1. Fearless, Selfless and Tireless. Members of the Moralis team need to be willing and able to accept any new challenge and conquer it head on, you must be ok with feeling uncomfortable, it is part of the process. You must understand that you can only do so much as an individual, you are here for your team and they are here for you, make sure that is known. We all get tired, but being able to dig deep and push to the finish line is a part of any winning team.

  2. Self-less, self-motivated, self-employed.

  3. Traits such people have are honesty, trustworthiness, dedication, and deliberate purpose. Someone who is self-less isn’t always about putting others before themselves, it’s about having a genuine concern for their needs. Being self-motivated requires discipline, you know the right thing to do, even when no one is looking, so do it and don’t waste anyone else’s time, take action, take the initiative! Being self-employed means you are actively working and should not be idle, if you become idle on one task due to something outside of your abilities at the moment, put it aside and begin working on something else for the time being, do not wait around for someone else.

  4. If you are hired by Moralis you are expected to arrive with massive delivery. You were hired for a reason, prove it that you are capable, not for the sake of proving it but because it is the truth. Feed off the energy and the environment that you are in, help your team mates and achieve truly great things.

  5. The baseline is the operating standard at which the team was performing prior to your arrival. You must tune into the baseline as quickly as possible so that you can get up to speed and begin to exceed the previous baseline. The longer you remain below baseline the more you are directly causing the performance of that team to suffer.

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  1. What is the Moralis DNA? Explain each of the components.

1.Fearless- any person we hire needs to be fearless to take on new challenges and go outside their comfort zone in order to find the best solutions possible.

  1. Selfless - any person we hire needs to be selfless and be able to work in teams. We are all working together in order to achieve greatness together. One person alone can’t achieve anything great because one person only has 24h per day.

  2. Tireless - any person we hire need to be tireless, energetic and hungry for success and greatness. By the collective tireless effort of our team we took Moralis from ZERO to over 100k devs using our platform in less than a year.

  3. What kind of people do we need at Moralis?

Fill in the blanks:
Self- driven

  1. What traits do such people have? Explain in depth all the parts!

Solution oriented: If you are stuck and are waiting for help - ensure you do your best to research, google, read documentation, propose your own solutions. Don’t wait passively if there is something you can do to gain more knowledge and understanding of the problem.

Bias For Action: It’s important that we keep our focus on action, and don’t fall into the trap of analysis paralysis or sticking to a slow, quiet path without risk.Decisions should be thoughtful, but delivering fast results requires the fearless acceptance of occasionally making mistakes; our bias for action also allows us to course correct quickly.

Sense of urgency: At an exponentially-scaling startup, time gained or lost has compounding effects. Try to get the results as fast as possible, but without compromising our other values and ways we communicate, so the compounding of results can begin and we can focus on the next improvement.

  1. What do we mean with massive delivery?

When you join Moralis you are expected to progress quickly and achieve massive delivery in the shortest time possible. For example if you are hired as a senior engineer - you are expected to perform as a senior engineer and onboard yourself quickly. You can’t get stuck learning the ropes for months.

  1. What is meant by “the baseline” and what do you have to do in regards to “the baseline”?

When you join any of our teams - your job is to as quickly as possible to become as good as our current team members and ideally you should be even better. Don’t be shy. Don’t think you will “step on someones toes”. Don’t think that you are the “new guy or girl” that needs to build a track record before contributing. You are expected to take up space with your ideas, code and hunger for success. You are expected to show your best side and prove to us you know what you are doing and that we made the correct choice hiring you.

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Disciplined People

  1. Moralis DNA in every hire. Fearless about taking on new challenges in this space. Selfless in working with the team to achieve greatness together. Tireless energetic and hungry for success pushing the bar every day.

  2. The kind of people do we need at Moralis are self-going, self- driven and self-motivated, always pushing the wagon.

  3. What traits do such people have?

  • Never idle means being proactive ensuring that you do something meaningful for Moralis every single day. We are always supposed to be pushing the wagon forward.
  • Solution-oriented deliver fast results fearlessly and course correct quickly.
  • Sense of urgency fast results acting and communicating aligning with our values so the compounding of results can begin and we can focus on the next improvement.
  1. Massive delivery means you are expected to perform and onboard yourself quickly. You can’t get stuck learning the ropes for months.

  2. Reach the baseline quickly - and exceed it otherwise you will decrease our talent density - and you know how much we cherish talent density.

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  1. What is the Moralis DNA? Explain each of the components.
  • Fearless - team members must be fearless to take on new challenges and go outside their comfort zone to find the best solutions possible
  • Selfless - need to be able to work in teams to achieve greatness together
  • Tireless - need to be energetic and hungry for success
  1. What kind of people do we need at Moralis?
    Fill in the blanks:

  2. What traits do such people have? Explain in depth all the parts!

  • Never idle - not waiting on others, doing something meaningful to push the wagon forward every day.
  • Solution oriented - try to figure things out independently, take initiative
  • Bias for action - don’t get paralysed by over-analysis
  • Sense of urgency - time lost or gained has compounding effects
  1. What do we mean with massive delivery?
    The expectation is that newcomers progress quickly and massively deliver in a short time.

  2. What is meant by “the baseline” and what do you have to do in regards to “the baseline”?
    It means the standard. Par for the team.
    Meet it first, then exceed it.

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  1. The Moralis DNA is split into 3 components:
     a) Fearless - any new hire should be able to get out of the comfort zone and to accept new challenges
     b) Selfless - you alone cannot achieve anything, you have to play in teams
     c) Tireless - a new hire needs to show energy, to be hungry, to be foolish, to be determined

  2. Moralis needs people which are:

  3. These people’s traits are:
    Never idle - that means that if somehow you are stuck and waiting on some decision, you have to be pro-active and state that you are blocked.
    Solution oriented - in case the solution for a issue is not known, do your best to research it and find the solution yourself. If you are still waiting for help then be pro-active and grab another task.
    Bias for action - you have to accept the fact that you will make mistakes, and the focus should be on taking action and delivering instead of going into analysis paralysis and sticking to a slow process
    Sense of urgency - gotta go fast is the motto in a startup which is growing fast, so the focus should be on getting the results as fast as possible in

  4. Massive delivery means that as a new hire you are expected to perform and deliver as soon as possible. For example, pass the onboarding phase as soon as possible.

  5. The baseline means the current way the team is performing. As a new hire, you need to perform as quickly as possible to this new baseline. That means: don’t be shy, be confident, take up space with your ideas, prove thyself.

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  1. Moralis only hires people that are:
  • Fearless: Have the courage to go out of the comfort zone.
  • Selfless: You should be able to work in teams.
  • Tireless: You need to be tireless, energetic, and hungry for success.
  1. self-going

-Never idle: The most important thing is that it’s unacceptable for us to become idle because we are waiting for someone or something. If you’re stuck on something because you need a reply from someone in a different timezone, ask around in slack what else you can do to move forward and get things done. You have to be pro-active ensuring that you do something meaningful for Moralis every single day.

  • Solution oriented: If you are stuck and are waiting for help - ensure you do your best to research, google, read documentation, propose your own solutions. Don’t wait passively if there is something you can do to gain more knowledge and understanding of the problem.
  • Bias For Action: It’s important to focus on taking action and not get stuck to a slow, quiet path without risk.
  • Sense of urgency: Time gained or lost has compounding effects, so we try to get results as fast as possible without compromising our other values and ways we communicate.
  1. When you join Moralis you are expected to progress quickly and achieve massive delivery in the shortest time possible. If you are feeling that something is missing from your onboarding - flag it with your manager asap.
  2. When you join any of our teams - your job is to as quickly as possible to become as good as our current team members and ideally you should be even better.
    If you can’t deliver on our baseline level - you will decrease our talent density - and you know how much we cherish talent density.
    Don’t be shy.
    Don’t think you will “step on someones toes”.
    You are expected to take up space with your ideas, code and hunger for success.
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  1. Getting out of the comfort zone, being fearless and selfless, helping other, being tireless and energetic, hungry for success and greatness and no idleness.
  2. Self-motivated, self-driven and self-going.
  3. Never idle (if you are stuck, don’t wait for someone to come and help you out, or if you don’t have any assigned task, to just wait), Solution oriented (find our own answers after researching to try to fix things by ourselves before we ask for guidance and overall being solution-oriented in every situation), Bias for action (accepting we might make mistakes so that we remain action-oriented and don’t get stuck because of indecision), Sense of urgency (a matter is pressing and can’t wait, while not compromising any of our other values). We should complete our tasks as soon as possible because time is super important and we need to use it efficiently, as that will make a huge impact on our results.
  4. We’re expected to onboard ourselves, achieve great results in the smallest time-frame.
  5. The baseline is the level at which the team is already performing. As a new joiner, it is expected for you to perform at the same level or better. We need to maintain and increase our baseline, so we don’t decrease our talent density.
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  1. Moralis DNA is something checked before looking into skills and experience which are as follows:
    Fearless - Should not be scared when taking new challenges and going outside the comfort zone
    Selfless - Should be able to work in teams, to work together, share information, support, celebrate, and go throught difficulties together.
    Tireless - Should be able to push the bar each day
  2. The kind of people who are independent enough
  3. Never Idle - working in a remote environment globally means having to deal with time difference when waiting for another persons availability. Need to be active or productive everyday despite having some kind of dependence on someone unavailable
    Solution Oriented - When being stuck and theres this dependence on others, make sure to utelize time to research, read, find other solutions instead of passively waiting for others to give solution
    Bias for Action - we don’t waste time and we make decisions as quick as possible at the same time fix mistakes as quick as well
    Sense of Urgency - get results as fast but as careful as possible
  4. Progress quickly and achieve big deliveries in the short time possible
  5. The baseline means being on the same level as the current time as quickly as possible. We are expected to jump into action, not being shy, not overthinking when correcting others work, not thinking about seniority before contributing.
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  1. What is the Moralis DNA? Explain each of the components.
    Moralis DNA is the way we see that every hire has the same principles as Moralis
  • Fearless, everyone has to be fearless to take new challenges and go outside their confort zone
  • Selfness, everyone should be able to work as part of a team
  • Tireless, any person has to be energetic and hungry for success
  1. What kind of people do we need at Moralis?
    Fill in the blanks:

  2. What traits do such people have? Explain in depth all the parts!

  • Never idle, working remotely can get you blocked or waiting for somebody else, so you always have to be finding things to do to not be idle waiting
  • Solution oriented, while waiting you can use that time to investigate, read, document or find other solutions
  • Bias for action, avoid analysis paralysis or sticking to a quiet path without risk. Delivering value requires constants, valuable actions
  • Sense of urgency, get results as fast as possible but without compromising other things as that can have compounding results
  1. What do we mean with massive delivery?
    With talent density we can achieve massive delivery, and you should too being part of Moralis. You are expected to progress quickly and achieve massive delivery, as everyone else, as soon as possible

  2. What is meant by “the baseline” and what do you have to do in regards to “the baseline”?
    It means that eveyone is expected to be at the level of current team members or better. And to avoid not reaching it because of being shy, thinking you will step on someones toes or needing to build a track

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  1. What is the Moralis DNA? Explain each of the components.

Everyone who gets hired must have the Moralis DNA which includes:

-Fearless: fearless to take on new challenges and go outside their comfort zone in order to find the best solutions possible.

-Selfless: be able to work in teams and work together in order to achieve greatness together.
They have to play well with our team.

-Tireless: tireless, energetic and hungry for success and greatness. When tired, we take a break to recharge and come back pushing the bar each and every day.

  1. What kind of people do we need at Moralis?

Fill in the blanks:
self- going
self- driven

  1. What traits do such people have? Explain in depth all the parts!

Never idle - It is unacceptable to be idle because you are waiting for someone’s permission to do something, to get an answer because you are stuck on something, or because you are afraid to “step on someone’s toes” There is always something you can do and you need to reach out to see if a teammate needs help or if there is something else on your task that you can work on while waiting.
You have to be pro-active ensuring that you do something meaningful fand push the wagon.

Solution oriented - try to figure things out independently if possible.

If you’ve done everything you can without luck and are still waiting for help - grab another task or write asking for guidance in your squad channel in Slack. Don’t wait passively if there is something you can do to gain more knowledge and understanding of the problem like research, google, read documentation, propose your own solutions.

Bias For Action - keep our focus on action, and don’t fall into the trap of analysis paralysis or sticking to a slow, quiet path without risk. Decisions should be thoughtful, but delivering fast results requires the fearless acceptance of occasionally making mistakes; our bias for action also allows us to course correct quickly.

Sense of urgency - Try to get the results as fast as possible, but without compromising our other values and ways we communicate, so the compounding of results can begin and we can focus on the next improvement

  1. What do we mean with massive delivery?

you are expected to perform the position you were hired to do and onboard yourself quickly. You can’t get stuck learning the ropes for months. Productivity and results oriented from day 1, and treat everyday like it is your first day… If you are feeling that something is missing from your onboarding - flag it with your manager asap.

  1. What is meant by “the baseline” and what do you have to do in regards to “the baseline”?

Your job is to as quickly as possible to become as good as our current team members and ideally you should be even better, otherwise you are decreasing the talent density.

1. What is the Moralis DNA? Explain each of the components.

Fearless – Not being afraid to try something new and risk failing.

Selfless - Think about the team. Do not be focused on self interests. Be able to work with your team. To achieve greatness tens and hundreds of people need to work together, share information between each other, support each other, celebrate wins together and handle difficulties together.

Tireless – You need to be wanting to do great things being energetic and hungry for success and greatness.

2. What kind of people do we need at Moralis?

Fill in the blanks:
self- motivated
self- directed
self- disciplined

3. What traits do such people have? Explain in depth all the parts!

Never idle - Do not try to find reasons to not put in the time. Be more focused on meeting a results quota, not a time quota. The most important thing is that it’s unacceptable for us to become idle because we are waiting for someone or something. You have to be pro-active ensuring that you do something meaningful for Moralis every single day.

Bias For Action – Do not let being unable to solve one problem keep you from moving on to another. It’s important that we keep our focus on action, and don’t fall into the trap of analysis paralysis or sticking to a slow, quiet path without risk. Everyone will make mistakes, but it’s the relative number of mistakes against all decisions made (i.e. percentage of mistakes), and the swift correction or resolution of that mistake, which is important.

Sense of urgency ­ - At an exponentially-scaling startup, time gained or lost has compounding effects. It is important the in striving for fast results we do not sacrifice how Moralis funtions.

4. What do we mean with massive delivery?

Learn and adapt quickly to so that you are up to speed as quickly as possible.

5. What is meant by “the baseline” and what do you have to do in regards to “the baseline”?

When you join any of our teams - your job is to as quickly as possible to become as good as our current team members and ideally you should be even better. If you can’t deliver on our baseline level then you will helped to fined a employer that is more suitable for you.