EDIT: Ivan We’d Love To Hear Your Thoughts On Digibyte! @ivan Liljeqvist
What’s everyone’s thoughts on Digibyte?
My personal opinion is that I believe it is one of the most TRULY decentralised cryptocurrencies!
It acts as both a cryptocurrency and a platform in which DAPPS can be built and executed in a truly decentralised manner!
Link: https://www.digibyte.co/
Marketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/digibyte/
It has been around for quite some time (approx. 4 years) and has flown quite under the radar for most people.
It has fantastic technology behind it being the longest, fastest and most secure UTXO blockchain in existence.
It is much faster, and beats many coins such as Litecoin, Bitcoin etc. in terms of speed and transaction fees, and I’m actually quite shocked that it isn’t priced more than it is.
DigiByte blockchain is spread over a 200,000+ servers, 5 Mining Algorithms and has the most advanced difficulty stability of any blockchain in the world today.
I know it suffers from the likes of poor marketing, advertising and old branding etc. But I personally see that there is huge potential for it.
Here’s a fantastic reddit post created by one of the /r DigiByte moderators. “An Introduction to DigiByte”
What do you guys reckon?