Dapp Introduction

Hey @filip and @gabba!
I’ve been having trubble with geting my localhost:8000 to load properly. This is what happens when it loads:

Hope you can help!
let me know if you need more information.

Hey @filip and @gabba!
I’ve been having trubble with geting my localhost:8000 to load properly. This is what happens when it loads:

Hope you can help!
let me know if you need more information.

Hey @filip and @gabba!
If you are working on the problem, please let me know.

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Thanks for reaching out!
Go to the folder where your index.html (in project directory) is through your terminal and run the server command.
Basically, you are running HTTP in the wrong folder :slight_smile:


Hey @Taha!

Every thing works now!
Thanks for the help!

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Hi @JesusIsLord @filip ,

I am now encountering the same issue where my python server won’t start up when I type “python -m http.server”. I have also tried running “python -m SimpleHTTPServer”. Were you able to figure it out? Thanks!

Thanks for reaching out!
What error are you getting?

You can also check wether python is running or not by using the following command:
netstat -ln | grep 80 (you can replace 80 with your port number)


Hi @Taha
Thank you for the reply!

When I enter “python -m http.server”, I don’t receive any error, but the server doesn’t start up. I simply get another command-line prompt. I’ve included a picture to show this. I’ve also tried entering “netstat -ln | grep 80”, to which I receive an error stating that “grep” is not recognized.

I hope this helps clarify, thank you!

If you aren’t seeing anything on the command line, then the server is not getting any input. You must have some other process listening on that port. Try a different port just to be sure:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 12345

source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20828820/python-simplehttpserver-doesnt-work-a-server-error-occurred

Hope this help :slight_smile:
Let me know

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Hey @Taha!
When I run the console on localhost:8000, I don’t see what is poping up on filip’s console. Instead I see this.

It could be nothing, however I just wanted to reach out to see if I might have made some mistake.

Hi @Taha,

It turns out that the command “py -m http.server”, instead of “python -m http.server”, works for me. Thank you for the help!


Please check the connection with Ganache, as the first error suggest could not establish connection

source: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1474#error-codes

the next error
code: -32002
also suggest the same

To check the connection go to truffle-config.js

 networks: {
    // Useful for testing. The `development` name is special - truffle uses it by default
    // if it's defined here and no other network is specified at the command line.
    // You should run a client (like ganache-cli, geth or parity) in a separate terminal
    // tab if you use this network and you must also set the `host`, `port` and `network_id`
    // options below to some value.
    development: {
     host: "",     // Localhost (default: none)
     port: 7545,            // Standard Ethereum port (default: none), make sure to match it to your port where Ganache is running 
     network_id: "*",       // Any network (default: none)

Let me know :slight_smile:


Hey @Taha!
I checked the connection with ganage the way you said and this is what happens.

As you can see the origanal errers are now gone, however it is a big shock to me that below all of the warnings there are 118 errers!!!
Hope you can help.

Hi Johannes, this worked for me, great work. Just wanted to quote and post so this gets seen again in the thread as I feel it has saved me having to search the interwebs for the answer and might save someone else too.

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Hi @Taha
I’ve noticed throughout this thread that you seem to be a problem solving machine, so just wondering if you can assist me as well.

After reading through this thread, I reset my MetaMask account, I even deleted the extension and added it back on. I scrolled through the settings in my Brave browser and in my Metamask but couldn’t see anything that stood out as being wrong (I would probably describe myself as very noob-esque at knowing about connection/network issues/Dev Tools, etc).
On pointers or direction would be greatly appreciated. Cheers

While I haven’t managed to fix the error messages in the consol, I did manage to get functionality to the website.

I poured through the settings in Brave once again and unblocked scripts, this got things working. I then blocked scripts again and by doing this it blocked Javascript (which was orignally set to ‘Allowed’). I have left scripts blocked for Brave but changed the settings just for that site to ‘Allow’ JavaScript and now I have functionality. Again, I have not fixed the error messages, nor do I know if they even matter all that much as I have no experience with any of that. Please advise if there is anything I should be doing moving forward. Thanks.

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This is a cryptic error with metamask. The best possible way is to re-install metamask :slight_smile:


Hey @Taha.
I’m vairy sorry however after uninstalling metamask and then reinstalling, the exact same thing happens, 118 errers! I’m going to contact gabba and fillip for help. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey @filip, @gabba!
I when I run my localhost:8000, in the console I seem to get 3 warnings, and 118 errers! I’ve had this problem for quite awile now and Taha and I are trying to solve it. I was wondering if you could help out. I stumped.
Thanks! :smile:

Please use metamask v8


Hi @cryptocrom

Those messages are just Warning this is not an error. As described in the warning enable() and the way you are reloading pages will change in the future so you should look at the link in the warning.
This is not critical.