CSS Diner Level 4?

I have been working at CSS Diner level 4 for sometime using several combinations of selectors from the cheatsheet and other places with no joy. Can anyone give me a tip(s) on it? Is there like a theme or sequence to doing the Diner?


Hey @loufosman it is more simple as you think…you have to be very careful with the instructions…and try simple commands like table, plate etc… to see what happens. This is a key combination you have to consider about


I gave it another shot. I just used plate, space and then apple and it worked. I really thought that I tried that before based on the examples, but I guess not. Amazing simple. Thanks BittMark.

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You are very welcome. When I first started I thought that I was doing something wrong and I couldnt find the command neither for the level 1 at all but guess what happened the command was right but it didnt work with brave browser so avoid to open it with brave browser I think internet explorer is better.

Awesome! Sorry, I had to go and do some work. Thanks again!

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