Hello everyone. I was curious does anyone in this space tip crypto? If you do how to you do it?
I think tipping is kind, a good marketing/education opportunity and will help solve the societal problem of making sure people without access to technology don’t get left behind. I know some people use open dime but you would be paying for the device on top of the tip, so that can add up. Also someone mentioned that they didn’t like the idea that it was a USB stick in regards to viruses etc. (https://opendime.com/)
Recently I went to a museum and they had a cool machine that would take a quarter and press it into a commerative coin. Of course I rarely carry fiat even coins and so I couldn’t “afford” one without a digital option which was surreal for me, lol. Anyway, this type of coin would be super cool to give to people if the problem of how to register it to a crypto wallet could be solved.
Another cool option is this keychain idea (https://allthingsdecentral.com/collections/engraved-crypto-wallets/products/personalized-ethereum-wallet-keychain). - (please note I have never used this company I am unable to endorse them at this time) but of course we are back to the initial cost ($15) issue.
The fastest way to disrupt an industry is to provide people what they are used to using but layer the new concept on top. Then once they get used to the layered concept you strip the initial layer away without people losing the familiarity and comfort with the product. Give this away for free and then let’s talk about adoption. We really need something like this in the crypto space.