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I have some issues trying to create test users for the game.
The CreateEnjinUser mutation now seems only to take a parameter for username, not one for email and password. So with an username I get this response “This mutation can only be executed by an application.”. Any help?
Any updates on this? @filip
emailVerified: Boolean @deprecated( reason: “You cannot view the email verification status of users anymore.” )
email: String @deprecated( reason: “You cannot view the email address of users anymore.” )
Thanks for reaching out!
I am the new mentor for this forum
Will get back to you ASAP with the solution.
Okay Sounds good and looking forward to that Taha.
Currently, Enjin doesnt require email to use wallet, if you want to track email can do it locally i.e. store in your own database for verification purpose.
Thanks for waiting
Okay thank you Taha, I am now handling the players password and email on my own server and now I need to log them into Enjin using only the players “name”. The account manager script uses “email” and “password”. How do I change the account manager script to use “name” instead of “email” and “password”.
EnjinUser user = await EnjinUser.Login(email, password);
Are you asking about Account manager or user?
Because for account manager we are still using email
and password
for login and authentication.
But for user only name
source: https://docs.enjin.io/creating-account/#logginginandauthenticatingyourrequests
I am talking about the AccountManager script. The script works fine for logging in the Admin account that is connected to the wallet daemon. The problem is when I go to create a “test user” the only way I can do that is with “name”. I still get the linking code and everything and connect the “testuser” to the Enjin Wallet. This “testuser” does not have a email or password associated with the Enjin Platform because email and password have been depreciated when creating a new user. I have moved the email and password handling to my own server. What needs to happen now is for the AccountManager script to check if the testuser’s name exist in the Enjin Platform and if so then continue on and if not then create the testuser.
Bellow is the only mutation that works for creating a new player, since email and password have been depreciated.
mutation createNewUser{ CreateEnjinUser ( name: “testuser” ) { id name accessTokens } }
Yes, I am aware of the depreciation and also testing the create user mutation
Since, email and password is no longer needed, you only have to use name param.
Check below:
query AuthPlayer($name: String!) {
AuthPlayer(id: $name) {
source: https://docs.enjin.io/creating-your-integration/#step5logginyouruserin
Let me know for further queries
async public void AuthPlayer()
string name = emailInput.GetComponent<InputField>().text;
EnjinUsers user = await EnjinUsers.AuthPlayer(name);
EnjinIdentities userIdendityOption = await user.GetIdentityForAppId(_appID);
EnjinIdentities userIdentity = userIdendityOption.Reduce(() => {
throw new System.Exception("User Identity not Found");
This is my attempt at converting the “Login” to “AuthPlayer” using the new SDK. This script is non - functional. If you have a better way please let me know and thank you.
I am seeing emailInput
and not name
Step 1: you can try the query in GraphQL playground.
Step 2: Are you getting any error message? Try debugging in js.
Orelse it will be best to share your code base on GitHub?
Basically looking over at the Enjin forum on this and its looking like this is important,
query AuthPlayer($name: String!) {
AuthPlayer(id: $name) {
I was able to authorize the player with only their name via the graphql playground and so the question is how to implement this into the AccountManager script.
I have mentioned the same here
I will write down the program sample and get back to you
query AuthPlayer($name: String!) {
AuthPlayer(id: $name) {
Is there any way to make the name kyanisthebest and then how do i log in to the account?
Because i am not seeing any password thing in the code nor e-mail so i dont know how to log-in
same here @Taha, @filip etc . Now I only have a new testUser username (no email or password set, or even settable AFAIK) created in my app on kovan enjin, successfully linked to my enjin wallet app. I can’t figure out what to change in AccountManager.cs to get my testUser logged in to the game. There is no email address or password to pass to EnginUser.Login() any more, and there is no obvious AuthPlayer() function in the SDK to pass my testUser username to instead.
Please help! thanks
Hey @Billy, hope you are great.
I tried with:
mutation newUser{
id accessTokens
query viewIdentities{
EnjinIdentities ( pagination: { page: 1, limit: 50 } ) {
id app {name}
linking_code enj_allowance ethereum_address
My result on GraphQL was valid, so i suggets you to try it the same way also. Let me know if works for you.
If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you!
Carlos Z.
Hi @thecil yes I can create the user and link a wallet and see the new identity ok in GraphQL. What I can’t see in the AccountManager.cs code is a way to authenticate this user against the Enjin database (“log them into the game”). Can’t the Enjin SDK for Unity do this game user authentication function any more?
@KYNUX @CryptoCowboy sorry to interrupt, did either of you get an actual solution to this from @Taha or anyone else, that gets a new EnjinUser / EnjinIdentity back into the AccountManager.cs C# script for the test user? Clearly, repeating the same GraphQL instructions is not useful to us in a C# function thanks!