Course Build Dex with JS - chapter GET QUOTE FORM

Hiya,I am doing something wrong and cant figure out what, pls help ,thank you. I am getting this form :

instead of this :

here is the function rendering the form:

 function renderForm(tokens) {
        const options = => 
                `<option value="${token.address}">${} (${token.symbol})</option`)
        document.querySelector('[name=from-token]').innerHTML = options;
        document.querySelector('[name=to-token]').innerHTML = options;

and here is the html form:

<form action="#" method="POST" class ="exchange-form" >
           <div class="form-row">
                <select name="from-token"></select>

           <div class="form-row">
                <select name="to-token"></select>

            <div class="form-row">

                <button type="submit" class="js-submit-quote">GET QUOTE</button>  



The option is an array, So you should change that to string.

document.querySelector('[name=from-token]').innerHTML = options..join('');
        document.querySelector('[name=to-token]').innerHTML = options.join('');

The join() creates and returns a new string by concatenating all of the elements in an array.

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Hi Maki,appreciate it. thank you. it works now. great job.have a nice day.K.

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