Console - Reading Assignment

  1. What is the console used for?
  • A console if a developer tool interfacer provided within web-browsers to work with the Javascript programming language.
  1. How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
  • The Console can be accessed on Google Chrome on a MACOS using the short-cut, COMMAND+OPTION+J (COMMAND+OPTION+I).
  1. What does console.log function do?
  • The console.log function is a developer tool that allows developers/programmers to send, store, and test, data (variables and results) written in Javascript in the console of the browser without having to access it the application in which it is written.
  1. How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
  • The contents of the HTML page can be changed through the console by right-clicking over the target element, and selecting “inspect”.

What is the console used for? Console provides you with the ability to write, manage, and monitor JavaScript on demand
How do you open the Console in Google Chrome? To open the JavaScript Console in Chrome, you can navigate to the menu at the top-right of your browser window signified by three vertical dots in a row. From there, you can select More Tools then Developer Tools.
What does console.log function do? Allows you to talk to the console
How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console? document.body.innerHTML

1. What is a console used for?
The console allows you to interact with a web page by executing JavaScript expressions within the page’s context. It can also be used to log information. Changes to the web page do not remain permanent, but disappear when the page is refreshed.

2. How do you open the console in Google Chrome?
Navigate to the menu at the top-right of your browser window signified by three vertical dots in a row. From there, you can select More Tools then Developer Tools. This will open a panel where you can click on Console along the top menu bar.

3. What does the console.log function do?
console.log allows you to print strings in the console. For example, console.log("Hello World!") will print the string “Hello World!” in the console. console.log(2 + 6) will print the string “8” in the console.

4. How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
You cannot actually change the html document through the console. Any changes you make will disappear after the page is refreshed. To change an HTML page in its dynamically rendered context, you can open the page in your browser and change its appearance by adding or modifying html elements using JavaScript code. For example:

let d = new Date();
document.body.innerHTML = "<h1>Today's date is " + d + "</h1>"
  1. it lets you interact with the web page; write, manage and monitor Javascript.

  2. menu >more tools >developer tools or press CTRL+SHIFT+J

  3. it prints the following string. It logs data to the JS console, perform math, try out JS in real time.

  4. Instead of writing changes into the HTML document within the script tags, one can open the console within the opened website & write JS code into the console. By hitting enter, the site changes accordingly. But all changes are only momentarily, they do not change the actual html document. When the web page is refreshed, all changes within the document are gone.

1. What is the Console used for?

The Console is used for writing, managing, and monitoring JavaScript on demand.

2. How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?

You open the Console in Google Chrome by doing the following:

  • Navigate to the menu at the top-right of your browser window signified by three vertical dots in a row.
  • Select More Tools.
  • Select Developer Tools.
  • Select Console.

3. What does console.log function do?

The console.log function prints a string.

4. How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the Console?

You can change the contents of an HTML page through the Console by doing the following:

  • Take an index.html file.
  • Load it into the browser of your choice.
  • Open up the Console.
  • Use JavaScript to change the contents.
  1. A tool within modern browser which allow us to live-experiment javascript codes inside a website.
  2. By using a key combo: CTRL+SHIFT+J
  3. To log a javascript code into the console
  4. By using the DOM and double click on the element which we would like to modify.
  1. The Console can be used to log information as part of the JavaScript development process, as well as allow you to interact with a web page by carrying out JavaScript expressions within the page’s context. Essentially, the Console provides you with the ability to write, manage, and monitor JavaScript on demand.
  2. You can navigate to the menu at the top-right of the Chrome browser window signified by three vertical dots in a row. From there, you can select More Tools then Developer Tools.
  3. It displays data in the Console.
  4. By double clicking on a tag in the elements tab in the console.
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  1. The console allows you to write, manage and monitor javasacript on demand. It also allows you to debug the browser, inspect elements etc.
  2. F12
  3. console.log allows you to log info to the console funny enough.
  4. You can update values of variables within the console to check how things change real time before you make a hard change to the code. Great for testing.
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  1. Console provides you with the ability to write, manage, and monitor JavaScript on demand
  2. ctrl+shift+J
  3. console.log logs what we need in the console window
  4. by using document object model
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What is the console used for?
Testing Java script
How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
What does console.log function do?
redirects the output to the console
How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
document.body.innerHTML = “Some html code” = “lightblue”; = “white”;
let p = document.createElement(“P”);
let t = document.createTextNode(“Paragraph text.”);

The console is used for testing and instant gratification.
My Chrome allows F12, or Menu->More Tools->Developer Tools, Ctl-Shft-I (letter eye)
Console.log prints output to the current console (screen). When was the last time anyone called it a console?
Changes to the console page will show on the rendered page, but those changes are only in memory, and won’t stick around unless the .html is modified too.

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for “instant gratification” :grin: funny, but true! :+1:

  1. The Console can be used to log information as part of the JavaScript development process, as well as allow you to interact with a web page by carrying out JavaScript expressions within the page’s context.
  2. Navigate to the menu at the top-right of the browser window signified by three vertical dots in a row. From there, you can select More Tools then Developer Tools. This will open a panel where you can click on Console along the top menu bar to bring up the JavaScript Console.
  3. Logging things in brackets to the Console. It can be simply printing a text typed in or calculating a math equation.
  4. Using the function “document.body.innerHTML” to, for example, access an HTML command in the body of the code.
  1. Console is used for debugging code as well as allow provide a tool to write, manage, and monitor JavaScript in real time.
  2. On mac:Google chrome browser> view> developer too> Javascript console.
  3. console.log function write into the browser console thus removing pop-up alerts that we need to continue to click out of.
  4. No clue
  1. Console is used for writing, managing and monitoring Javascript code on the webpage
  2. You click on the menu in the top right corner, then more tools, developer tools or Ctrl+Shift+I
  3. console.log istructs browser to print a certain value
  4. You load the html file in the browser and then open the Console. After that, you can interact with your html with document.*.innerHTML="";

What is the console used for?
the Console provides you with the ability to write, manage, and monitor JavaScript on demand

How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?

What does console.log function do?
Prints to the console

How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
by modifying an element of the DOM like this for example… = “lightblue”;

  1. The Console provides the ability to write, manage and monitor JS on demand
  2. navigate to the menu. select more tools then developer tools. then click on console. you can also click on command option j on a mac or ctrl shift j on windows or linux
  3. with console.log you can test an expression without having to keep clicking out of a pop-up alert
  4. the Console provides you with a space to experiment with modifying html pages

What is the console used for?
It is used for log and type code in “real time”

How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
Opening developers tools

What does console.log function do?
Log the value that you give it in the console

How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
Using the DOM API and typing the correct code

What is the console used for?
Essentially, the Console provides you with the ability to write, manage, and monitor JavaScript on demand.
How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
Conrtol+shift+J or for firefox Conrtol+shift+K
What does console.log function do?
Log the output of the javascript
How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
By opening the console and using javascript to modify the page

  1. The Console can be used to log information as part of the JavaScript development process, as well as allow you to interact with a web page by carrying out JavaScript expressions within the page’s context. Essentially, the Console provides you with the ability to write, manage, and monitor JavaScript on demand.
  2. To open the JavaScript Console in Chrome, you can navigate to the menu at the top-right of your browser window signified by three vertical dots in a row. From there, you can select More Tools then Developer Tools. This will open a panel where you can click on Console along the top menu bar to bring up the JavaScript Console if it is not highlighted already.
  3. Rather than have pop-up alerts that we need to continue to click out of, we can work with JavaScript by logging it to the Console with console.log.
  4. The Console provides you with a space to experiment with modifying HTML pages, but it is important to keep in mind that you’re not changing the HTML document when you do things on the Console. In this case, once you reload the page it will return to the original document.