Console - Reading Assignment

What is the console used for?
Debug code, tinker with a page by performing live changes, peek under the hood to see what is going on!

How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
F12 key or CTRL + SHIFT +J

What does console.log function do?
It captures any output as text written to the console. Helpful for testing, debugging, etc.

How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
You can manipulate the DOM

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  1. What is the console used for?
    It is used for interacting with the webpage and log information for the dev process. It enables to write, manage and monitor JS on demand.

  2. How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
    CTRL-SHIFT-J or top-right->More Tools->Developer Tools

  3. What does console.log function do?
    logging to to Console

  4. How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
    it does not change the content. you can experiment with changes, but by reloading the webpage the changes are gone.

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What is the console used for?
The console can be used to log information as part of the JavaScript development process as well as interact with a web page by carrying out JavaScript expressions within a page’s context.

How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
Long Way: Navigate to the menu at the top-right of the Chrome browser signified by the three vertical dots in a row. Select “More Tools”, then “Developer Tools.” This will open a panel where you can click on Console along the top menu bar to bring up the JavaScript Console.

Short Way:
On Windows or Linux, use the keyboard shortcut by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + J.

On macOS, press COMMAND + OPTION + J.

What does console.log function do?
console.log function enables to log in an expression inside the Console.

How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
You can edit the contents of an HTML page using the JavaScript element documen.body.innerHTML.

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  1. Console provides you with the ability to write, manage, and monitor JavaScript on demand.
  2. Ctrl+shift+j or in sittings…
  3. Provides you with a space to try out JavaScript code in real time by letting you use an environment similar to a terminal shell interface.
  4. Using command “document. …” in console .
  1. Console.log() is used to log information to the console. This is normally done automatically with the last result of a command that is returned, but can be done manually. Say for instance that you have a complex calculation that is being done in two parts, and you aren’t getting the result that you’re looking for, but don’t know which part is the problem, you could log each part to see what is explicitly happening.
  2. CTRL + Shift + J in Chrome
  3. Errors and warnings that occur on a web page are logged into the console for debugging purposes.
  4. In the Inspector tag in Firefox, then MENU, Save Page As.
  1. It is used to write, manage, and monitor Javascript in a browser.
  2. In Chrome, click the three dots for the pop up menu, then select “more tools” and then “developer tools”. or CMD+OPT+J
  3. The console.log function allows you to print results to the console for yourself to read.
  4. You can change the contents of an HTML page with the command of “document.x.x.x”.

What is the console used for?
lets you write manage and log information about Javascript and lets you interact with the web page.

How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?

What does console.log function do?
It lets you log an expression in the console

How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
Editing the document.body.innerHTML

1. What is the console used for? The console can be used to log information as part of the JavaScript development process, as well as allow you to interact with web page by carrying out JavaScript expressions within the page's context. Essentially, the console provides you with the ability to write, manage and monitor JavaScript on demand.
2. How do you open the Console in Google Chrome? More tools - Developper tools - Console
3. What does console.log function do? You can work with JavaScript by logging it to the console.

How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console? You can open DOM and then inspector to see a tree of the webpage and can interact with the content.

This is a tough time Derui, Sorry for your loss. If you need to take some time to deal with this I hope you come back. I’m sure your dad would want you to continue to this course to continue pursuing your dream.

Hang in there. /hugs

1. What is the Console used for?
The console enables us to test code and interact with the webpage.

2. How do you open the console in Google Chrome?
Ctrl + Shift + J or F12

3. What does console.log function do?
It logs the output in the console.

4. How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
Right click the element that is to be changed and select ‘inspect’

What is the console used for?

  • test code and get debug information from the page

How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?

  • F12

What does console.log function do?

  • Enables you to write outputs directly to the log for debugging etc. without showing anything on the webpage itself

How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?

  • You can modify the page “on the fly” with document.. without changing the original content.
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What is the console used for?
The console lets a developer write and view results of JavaScript code on an active webpage.

How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
Click on the … menu / more tools / developer tools, then select the console tab.

What does console.log function do?
Displays a log of JavaScript outputs without having to close alert boxes on the page itself.

How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
By using JavaScript to insert tags, data and elements temporarily into the page.

  1. The console is a way to further inspect a web page and make edits to its HTML or run your own operations via JavaScript. It also has other information like network data and a list of the elements on the page.

  2. On Chrome there are two options. Click the three dots at the top right >>> more tools >>> developer tools. You can also use control + shift + J on Windows.

  3. Console.log will evaluate an instruction when written in JavaScript and print it to the console. It’s a way to do quick JavaScript and integrate it into the page. It can store variables, do equations, add HTML to the page, etc.

  4. Going into the elements tab on Chrome allows you to inspect the DOM which is a hierarchy of the HTML on the page. At that point you can double click any element and change it as you so desire.

  1. What is the console used for?
    to write, manage, and monitor JavaScript on demand.
  2. How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
    CTRL + SHIFT + J on Linux or Windows, or COMMAND + OPTION + J on macOS
    or simply F12
  3. What does console.log function do?
    we can work with JavaScript by logging it to the Console with console.log.
  4. How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
    by double clicking the HTML element, change it, then saving the changes with ctrl + s
  1. The console provides a platform with which a user can write and run JavaScript code in real time. This enables the user to constantly monitor how the code looks like in the browser

  2. google chrome there are 4 easy ways to open the console.
    a) highlight the 3 dots in the top right corner with your mouse Then. -> more tools -> developer tools -> console.
    b) right-click on any google chrome page then -> inspect element -> console
    c) ctrl+shift+I -> console
    d) or just simply ctrl+shift+j

  3. console.log function. The console is defined above in (1). Now the console.log function is used to input text within the console.

  4. This can be done by by exploiting the Document Object Model. through the inspect elements, a hierarchical display of the html within a webpage can be edited.

  1. What is the console used for?
    It can be used to log information and to interact with a webpage. It enables one to write, manage and monitor the results.

  2. How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
    Go to the far right of the browser and click on the 3 vertical dots. This will open a drop down menu and you select “more tools” which will enable another drop down menu where you’ll select “developer tools”. From there it will open a tool bar where you can select “console”. As an alternative on Linux or Window you can simply press CTRL+SHIFT+J, or if you are on Mac you can press COMMAND+OPTION+J

  3. What does console.log function do?
    Instead of pop-up messages we can work with JS by logging it to the console with text, math, and even utilizing multiple lines with variables

  4. How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
    By using code within the console you can set variables and watch in real time as your changes go into effect on the webpage. It is like an experimental tool that shows a user what a webpage would look like when the code is applied. It is experimental as the once you reload the page it will revert back to the original HTML formatting.

  1. Debug JS code, log information and interact wiht a web page
  2. Ctrl + Shift + I or F12
  3. Prints information to the console
  4. Though “Inspect element” the console is being opened and the element can be edited.

What is the console used for?
The console allows you to try out javascript and verify that it works as you expect.
How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
Go to developer tools by navigating through the three dots in the upper right corner
What does console.log function do?
It allows you to log results directly to the console.
How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
You can use javascript functions to modify the HTML. It will revert back to normal when the page is reloaded.

1- Allow you to interact with a web page by carrying out JavaScript expressions within the page’s context. Essentially, the Console provides you with the ability to write, manage, and monitor JavaScript on demand. All without having to put the code into the programme itself. Acts like a sidebar which allows programmer to view what happens to website as code is changed.
2- View>Developer >JavaScript Console
3- Logs info to the javascript console.
4- double click at the element or hit ‘edit element’ edit it and click somewhere else.

What is the console used for?
You use the console like a terminal shell where you can run commands of javaScript or modified html elements on the same browser.

How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
command+option+j or menu - development tools - console

What does console.log function do?
console.log show you anything in the console. like console.log(anything);

How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
with the command > document.(HTML-element).innerHTML =“change”;