Console - Reading Assignment

  1. To test out Javascript code

  2. Press ctrl+shift+i or F12

  3. A console is a sandbox where you can test your code to see if it works

This sandbox called console has a program that displays things on screen. This program is called log

  1. By using the document element inside the console.
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  1. What is the console used for? Web developers use the console to carry out Javascript expressions within the browser. The console is a tool for developers used to write and test Javascript commands within the context of a webpage.

  2. How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
    Longway (select the Menu located at top right of Chrome browser/select More Tools/select Developer Tools/select console tab.
    Quick way( CTRL+SHIFT=J.) or(F12)

3.What does console.log function do? Developers can use console.log in Javascript to print to the terminal in node.js. It can also perform math in Javascript. Additionally, developers can work with multiple lines and variables and various outputs to the console.

4.How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console? First, save the HTML content to a text file. Second, load the file into the browser. Third, open the console to begin using Javascript to modify the HTML page. You can also use CTRL+SHIFT+I to pull up the console tab to begin modifying.

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  1. The console is used to edit a page and Javascript code. Also it is used to monitor and manage Javascript code in real time and interact with the web page.

  2. Ctrl + Shift + J is the shortcut to the console. you can also open it from the more tools dropdown menu in Chrome.

  3. The console.log function displays outputs of a function directly in the console.

  4. You can change the HTML file by adding or modifying existing “document” elements.

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What is the console used for?

  • The console is used to log information and interact with a web page.
    How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
  • Menu -> More tools -> Developer Tools
    What does console.log function do?
  • The console.log function outputs information to the console
    How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
  • By double-clicking the content that you want to change in the Elements tab of Developer Tools
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  1. it is used for executing javascript instruction to the web page to see the effec buy not alter the actual information.
  2. Tools > Developer tools
  3. store information to console log
  4. you can interact with the pages DOM and modify it.
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1.the console allows inspection of a web page elements
2. via the developer tools
3. it writes a message you specify to the screen console
4. by amending the corresponding object within the DOM

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What is the console used for?
It provides you with the ability to write, manage, and monitor Java Script whenever you like.

How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
Choose the menu at the top right side of the page denoted by 3 dots in a row. Select ‘more tools’, then ‘developer tools’. This opens a panel where you can click on ‘console’ located at the top of the menu bar. This brings up the java Script console if it’s not already highlighted. You can also enter CTRL + SHIFT + J on Linux or Windows, or COMMAND + OPTION + J on MacOS.

What does console.log function do?
It allows you to skip the alert pop ups. You can type your Java Script directly in it (input) and the output is the result of what you typed. Practice area.

How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
By typing various Java Script in it . Anything typed here will show immediate response to the webpage, but it won’t be saved.

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  1. Console is used to carryout JavaScript expressions by interacting with the webpage’s context.
  2. Click “Customize and Control (top right corner)” and go to “more tools” and click “developer tools”.
  3. It prints the output within the console.
  4. You can add contents, change style of the existing webpage through the console by running respective JavaScript functions. Ex. document.createElement or … etc.
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1.-To log information as part of the JavaScript development process, as well as allow you to interact with a web page by carrying out JavaScript expressions within the page’s context. Essentially, the Console provides you with the ability to write, manage, and monitor JavaScript on demand.
2.-Menu in the top right corner in firefox and search “Web Console” or CTLR + SHIFT + K
3.-logs info to the javascript console.
4.-Through the use of inspect element in the DOM tree

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  1. What is the console used for?
    The console is used for live testing javascript code and manipulating the HTML Document Object Model (DOM) without actually changing the original HTML page. This means that you can try out snippets of code that youcome across, or diagnose problems withing existing code. As the console directly interacts with the way the browser interprets instructions entered into the console, you get instant feedback on any changes made to the HTML page or javascript code within the page.

  2. How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
    Ctl + Shift + J will open the console on Chrome, whilst Ctl + Shift + K will do the same within Firefox.

  3. What does console.log function do?
    console.log will capture any command output and display it within the console. This is also very useful for testing or diagnosing code funcionality which would not normally be seen as an output.

  4. How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
    You can change or add content to an HTML page by directly interacting with the DOM, using javascript’s ‘document’ objects. For example document.body.innerHTML="" will place what ever text is within the quotes, directly into the HTML page.

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  1. What is the console used for?
    Its an interface similar to a terminal where you can work with JavaScript and another programming languages
  2. How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
    Command + option + J
  3. What does console.log function do?
    Loges into the console so we can work Javascript
  4. How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
    By using the document command
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  1. The console is used to interact with, debug, and modify Javascript code in the browser.
  2. Control + Shift + J in Windows
  3. console.log prints out a string to the console.
  4. By using ‘document.’, it is possible to add or modify HTML on a website.
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  • What is the console used for?
    To develop and interact with a website directly.
  • How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
    The three dots on the top right of browser window> More Tools> Developer Tools> Console
  • What does console.log function do?
    This function allows you to write to the current webpage.
  • How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
    By altering the DOM’s (document object model) different elements and saving your changes as you go.
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  1. The console is used to execute JAvascript based modfications within the Javascript console of your Browser- Its a good way to modify and play with the intended HTML without actually modifying the original version

  2. You can either do F12 or select developper tools and go console page option.

  3. Its gives information to the console enabling you to check variables or end results

  4. by Right clicking and going to the Inspect Section /Icon-

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What is the console used for? - You can try out JavaScript code in real time by using an environment similar to a terminal shell interface.

How do you open the Console in Google Chrome? - navigate to the menu at the top-right of your browser window signified by three vertical dots in a row. From there, you can select More Tools then Developer Tools. Voila!

What does console.log function do? - It will return the value/result in the console, not in the loaded webpage.

How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console? - you can use elements such as document.createElement() to modify html code on page

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1. What is the console used for?
The Console can be used to log information as part of the JavaScript development process, as well as allow you to interact with a web page by carrying out JavaScript expressions within the page’s context. Essentially, the Console provides you with the ability to write, manage, and monitor JavaScript on demand.

2. How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?

3. What does console.log function do?
Allows one to log commands and their resulting actions inside of the console instead of relying on pop-up windows as with the alert function.

4. How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
Save an HTML file, and open up the console. Write the code inside the console and the webpage will be updated in real-time. Once you refresh the page, the code will be gone so make sure to save your work!

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  1. What is the console used for?
    The JavaScript Console provides you with a space to try out JavaScript code in real time by letting you use an environment similar to a terminal shell interface.
    To write certain information from the running script to, and/or to interact with the currently loaded page through commands inserted directly into the page.

  2. How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
    F12, or Menu->More Tools->Developer Tools and Ctrl+shift+j on Windows

  3. What does console.log function do?
    Perform the instruction from the developer in which designing, calculating, etc… gives you the instant reaction of script inserted.

  4. How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
    In Elements tab which is present before the Console tab you will find HTML code where you
    can make changes to the HTML page. But don’t forget to save it otherwise the change won’t show up once you reload it.


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  1. The console can be used to write, manage, and monitor the javascript in a webpage.
  2. To open the console in google chrome the command “ctrl + shift + j” can be used.
  3. the “console.log” function is a way to work with javascript inside the console when you want output
  4. you can change the content of a webpage through the console by adding to the existing code inside of it such as the background color and the text however, those changes are not permanent.
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  1. Console allows us to interact with the webpage and to log information
  2. Navigate to the “ More tools”. Select “developer tools”. Select “ Console “ panel.
  3. Allows us to log information and instructions to the console
  4. By using Javascript instructions within the console.
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  1. Console is used for testing javascript commands in console, view elements within an HTML page and styles applied, view all calls from your computer to servers and monitor page performance,
  2. click on view, developer,JavaScript Console
  3. Sends output to console
  4. By issuing innerHTML and other commands to modify the contents