We need to collaborate because one person only has 24 hours available. Multiple people have hundreds or even thousands of hours available. So if you want to achieve great things, you need to collaborate with other people.
You are expected to collaborate in case you need help and advice.
At Moralis, we give positive feedback by endorsing each other in a public way, via channels on slack.
At Moralis, negative feedback is given in the smallest setting as possible. And I would say this is applicable for any company. Negative feedback is actually constructive feedback.
Negative feedback is when you want the person to directly improve a specific aspect of his way of working. Disagreement is when two people have contradicting ideas which requires extra discussion to settle it. The disagreement can be done in a public channel.
Negative feedback has the goal of improving the other person, and it offers an actionable way to improve, while negativity does not have the goal of improving and it is not actionable.
Disagreements should be discussed in a public channel.
Negative/constructive feedback should be discussed in a 1-on-1 call.
If I am higher in the management chain, then people can give me negative feedback in a group setting.
Providing feedback as fast as possible, solves the problems while they are small and fresh in memory. If you linger and wait to provide feedback, then the situation is not that relevant any more, and you can become resentful if you keep it within yourself.
The #thanks channel can be used to give praise to someone.
When praising someone you should think about doing it sincerely and also say the reason why you are thankful.
Some important ingredients to take note when giving feedback to someone: provide the observation, meaning provide a clear and objective example of when the situation happened. Then state to the person how that situation made me feel. And then focus on improving the team member by providing a way forward.
Of course it is ok to give feedback to managers. They are also people, and they are not gods. They also have points to improve, and they cannot improve them without being aware of them.
Heh, of course not. Driving off a cliff sounds like sudden death, and sudden death is not cool man. So give feedback.
It is important to get to know each other informally, because then the collaboration is way more efficient, knowing how the other person can react to different situations. It will make also easier to prevent conflicts.
A weekly session is organized on thursdays in which you can get to know the team more informally.
Not pulling rank meaning not using someone else’s name to get a point across. If you do that, then that means you don’t truly believe it yourself.
Assuming positive intent means to assume that the other person comes from a place of positivity and good faith, rather than negativity, and then try to respect their position while you are getting your point across. This should be done when a disagreement occurs.
A straw man is when you are disagreeing against the weakest points of the argument, or an imaginary argument. Whereas a steel man is when you are arguing against the most strongest points of the discussion raised by the other.
The steel man should be used in every argument or disagreement.
Saying sorry should be done as fast as possible and it is a sign of strength, not a weakness. Saying sorry is also a form of leadership, because others can pick up to this kind of behaviour and it reinforces the values.
No ego means that you should not force to win an argument just because you want to be on top, or not show weakness. The idea is to find the right answer and to help others, even though you might not be right.
The goal is to improve and provide quality, not to bash other people because they maybe did a mistake. By blameless problem solving, you focus on solving the issue and improving the processes instead of focusing on criticizing the other person.
Short toes means that everyone should be able to take the initiative and to try to improve things, independently of the experience he has in the company, or the rank.
Collaboration is when multiple people can contribute to achieve a certain goal. Consensus is when multiple people have to give their input in order to achieve that goal.
No, you do not have to ask for people’s opinions always.
Permissionless innovation is when you do not need to ask for permission from people, but people can contribute to achieve a certain goal.
Politics at Moralis is showcased when, for example, a decision needs to be made. Politics should not be involved, and the focus should be put on finding the right decision for the given situation, objectively. Another example of when politics should not be involved, is when a promotion is given: this should be given based on merits, and not based on somebody liking them.
Uff, this was a doozy