One of the key ideas behind cryptocurrencies is the power of decentralized control. This is the value of blockchain in a nutshell. It seems to hold the promise of a more fair and just social and economic system. Freedom from the control of large corporations suddenly became a real possibility.
This core premise is getting buried under a landslide of pure capitalistic ideas that put blockchain to work to make money. Worse, the meteoric increase in the price of Bitcoin has caused many people to wonder if blockchain is just a financial mania without economic substance.
That’s wrong, of course, but the other problem is still there. Has the promise of blockchain to remake society into a more equitable system been horribly stolen by greedy capitalist forces? It may look like it, but in the froth and fury of a rabid marketplace there are cryptocurrencies that are holding true to the promise of making a better world.
Smartlands is just one case in point. Their tokens (SLT) are designed to fuel the creation of a new system of raising money for private agricultural projects. They have a vision of coins backed by real assets that have real value. These coins will bring a measure of stability to cryptocurrency markets and fund technological solutions for small farmers across the globe.
Now, “social justice” and “banking” are two ideas that just don’t seem to mesh very well. But if you take a look at what micro-lending has done to empower women in India you can get an understanding of how these concepts are not mutually exclusive. It’s not hard to image how this type of concept would have a major impact on world food production if it were implemented globally with blockchain technology.
And Smartlands is not the only cryptocurrency that is trying to change the world. There’re others, and sometimes they are getting trampled by the rush to just capitalize on the blockchain phenomena. That’s a real shame, and early believers in blockchains’ ability to remake the world can help prevent it by searching out coins with great social values and promoting them.
There’re plenty of places where people are talking about the latest and greatest cryptocurrencies. Unfortunately between discussing the programming innovations and the profit potential, there seems to be little mention of social good. If blockchain is going to fulfill its original promise, maybe it is time for that to change.