C++ Functions Stanford Lecture

Hi! @ivan

Please kindly note that the YouTube video proposed in the C++ Functions Stanford Lecture is not available anymore (it looks like it has been removed by YouTube).

The lecture is referred to on the following page of the course: C++ Basics / Optional: C++ Functions Stanford Lecture

The broken link is: https://www.youtube.com/embed/FItBvJSjpR4

If you can find another optional lecture for us to watch, it would be great.

Thanks! :+1:

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Thank you for telling us. Iโ€™ll make sure its fixed soon. :+1:


Great, thanks!

These optional videos can be really inspiring and provide excellent content, such as the 2008 video from MIT in the JavaScript course, or the CS50 lectures (fun to watch!).


Yeah that was an awesome lecture, he is a fun teacher. But this C++ video still dont work, So I just gonna lie and mark the course as complete, even I did not watch it heheโ€ฆ

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The stanford lecture has been removed from the course. .


@ivga80 The broken video still appears in the course for me.

C++ Programming for Blockchain Developers / Categories /
C++ Basics / Optional: C++ Functions Standford Lecture
(Lesson #13)

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