Building the game in Unity - Discussion

without overlays, and spawners added with enemies spawning


Hey @Louwrens, hope you are ok.

When isLandOpen is true, it turn off the overlay which is the one limiting the new map right (map after center), does that function recreate the new map with an specific amount of sides generated right?

What I would do, or comes to my mind, is to have a variable that manage the size of the map, and it can be monitored to increase it or decrease it. That way someone have to manage the size of the map and be able to generate new sizes in case of need it.

Carlos Z

Thanks for the quick reply @Carlos!

When isLandOpen is true, is not coded yet, thinking about it, it is merely an indication for adjacent triggers to know if the land should be opened. but it could just open the ones located N,E,S,W regardless if they are opened, by disabling their childs.

I need to know how to code this. When a trigger(butterfly) is triggered (collided with?), it should scan for coliders around it within a specific range, then disable the N/E/S/W children, also check if any map’s opened have missing lands adjacent to it by checking their bools, then generating closed lands there where they are missing, closed meaning the overlay, or child of the map trigger spawned when the map was generated, or the overlay could be a seperate game object spawning with the map, I thought it might be easier to access through the trigger.

I will add that when the map is generated, it should also PrepareBools() that check to see on which sides they have lands and update the bools.

Do you think this is feasible? I mean, I know I would be able to infinityely grow the map but that’s the point, it could grow into one direction, but to endure the harsh snow lands you need rock materials, to become the best at rock lands, you need ground type equiptment, and to gather that, well, plants are the best, just watch out for ice monsters while waddling about with your lillybad suit.

a solution for the problem of the game growing infinitely big, and the point of it, can be solved by the player-owned aspect. My idea is that the monsters on these maps will be incredibly strong, and you would need a team of a 100 newby players with wooden swords to conquer a piece of land, the highest scoring player lays claim to the land, or the land is put up for auction, highest bidder gets it, the money goes to a community vault, that pays out to nodes that host parts of the map, maybe owners of those lands. lol how feasible does that sound? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello everyone,
I have an issue with the coin spawn script:

Error Message: Screen Shot 2021-06-06 at 11.27.55 AM


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class CoinSpawner : MonoBehaviour

    public float timeBetweenSpawns;
    public GameObject prefab;

    private float timeToNextSpawn;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        timeToNextSpawn = timeBetweenSpawns;

    void Spawn() 
        for(int i=0; i<30; i++)
        Instantiate(prefab, new Vector2(-10+0.7*i, 7), Quaternion.identity);

    // Update is called once per frame - 60fps
    void Update()
        timeToNextSpawn -= Time.deltaTime;

        if(timeToNextSpawn <= 0.0f)
        timeToNextSpawn = timeBetweenSpawns;

I assumed it has to do with the spawn function and the (double) “+0.7”, so i replaced it with “1” as so:

void Spawn() 
        for(int i=0; i<30; i++)
        Instantiate(prefab, new Vector2(-10+1*i, 7), Quaternion.identity);

but as result im getting the following error message:

Error Message 2:

Screen Shot 2021-06-06 at 11.26.25 AM

Can anyone let me know whats good here? appreciate it guys

Since version 2019.1.8f1 does not longer exist I want to know If I should proceed with version 2019.4.28f1 and I there are a lot if differences between te versions

Schermafbeelding 2021-07-21 om 13.05.47

I just tried version 2019.4.28f1 and already have a problem with the license. Hope to get some tips to follow the course.

Schermafbeelding 2021-07-21 om 13.40.30

1 Like

Hey @thomascarl, hope you are well.

Apparently could be a bug over the installation, here is a link from the unity forum that mention some steps to follow in order to fix that error, also the version that you choose should work properly for the course.

Carlos Z


Hi Carlos, thanks for your help. I followed the link you mentioned and needed to sign up to Unity. After signing up I went to licenses in the Unity Hub and selected that I dont use Unity for business purposes and then it was all good. Good to know for other people as well!

Have a good day.

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hi which is better? this unity game dev or the eth game programming which uses phaser.

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I think both are quite nice, just depends on what you want to learn, unity is a nice tool to build amazing games, while the eth game prog is focused more on how to use smart contracts interact with a dapp like a game.

Carlos Z

I’m having trouble installing and running a suitable version of unity. When I unstall any older versions other than the new unity hub 3.0 I get the following error -

When I click on install it takes me back to the unity website and wants me to download the new version of unity hub.

If I install the latest version of unity hub I am asked to sign in, and when I try it just gets stuck in a redirect loop between my browser and the unity 3.0 hub app.

Will I be able to continue on this course with the unity 3.0 hub?

Hello sir , when I make jumping of the character and giving it gravity then after I try to use move tool so in start my character will on the platform .
But my move tool is not working when I m clicking on move tool nothing comes on screen

Has anyone gone through this (Unity) tutorial recently?? There are several changes in Unity that are making this VERY hard to follow… I’m stuck on the “Controlling the Character” section as the scripts and player/character controller setup have changed… Thx!

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Hey @Jimmy, hope you are ok.

We are already working on a new updated version for our Unity course, it will take us some months to complete it, so no ETA yet (less than 3 months hopefully).

You can also just stick with the unity version used in the course, that way you should not have any issue related to changes of syntax from latest versions.

Carlos Z

I have my finished game build with WebGL uploaded to my github page.

You can play the game here:


Anyone that has questions or needs some assistance on anything, feel free to ask. I’ll try my best to help.