Hi Folks, need some help in understanding on bitcoin transaction verification.
So, since bitcoin blockchain is a transaction ledger, when wallet creates a new transaction, it combines UTXO to cover the transfer amount (say n inputs) and then hash it and after digitally signed by the sender with his private key, it is broadcasted to other nodes for verification. I would like to know what happens when different nodes are verifying this transaction and the payment sender gets a new transaction to his wallet? Now, the verification node will have the transfer amount covered with UTXO which will include sender’s newly received payment? So, in this case verification node’s hash would differ from sender’s hash?
Example: below sender combines 4 UTXO to transfer say 10 BTC.
What happens if sender receives additional input shortly after initiating transfer and how verification node will calculate transfer amount from the UTXO to create a hash for comparison?
3BTC – additional
3BTC – was part of initial payment