Bitcoin Core Introduction Discussion

so in general what could be bugging cause im trying everything

not able to go on, stock, ill switch of course i guess.

Have you removed the folder as I told you?

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Yes sir the database but nothing

Should i remove btcqt somewher else too?

bitcoind doesnt want to run

you should remove the data folder, not the installation folder these are different

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you mean to remove it somewhere else?

im really lost on how to do this man

Yes, in the %APPDATA%\Bitcoin folder. Copy and paste this into your path in explorer. :slight_smile:

If you want to manually access it its supposed to be in C:\Users\YourUserName\Appdata\Roaming\Bitcoin for windows 7 and up.

If you removed anything from the installation directory (Program Files) you should also reinstall Bitcoin core.

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You should leave this folder alone, in your explorer navigate to %APPDATA%\Bitcoin.

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ok im on it right now

that is it

Yes, you can either remove this folder completely or just the chain data for a specific network.

If you made changes in the other directory you will probably have to reinstall Bitcoin core as well.

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forgive my ignoranc, would you tell me how can i do it please?

remove you mean erase them?

You can either move one directory up (to Roaming) and remove the Bitcoin folder in that case you will also loose your wallet (notice the wallets folder). This is safe if you don’t have any funds there. Or just select all the other folders and delete them. :slight_smile:

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Thank you, bitcoind is running now, i really appreciate it :blush:

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i guess it was a configuration issue or does it happen to you to resolve this problem often??