Bitcoin Core Advanced Discussion

./bitcoin-cli -regtest generate to address 101 “youraddress”


Hi @Fabrice & @cnhaupt,
i cant get it again. have a look at my screenshot !

Did you used -deprecatedrpc=generate on bitcoind?
When I’m home, I will try to find out your issue

Hi @spanosa,
Just remove the “” from the wallet address and it will work.


Hi @cnhaupt,
i just remove it but im getting the same error ! :thinking:

Hi @Fabrice,
yes, im using the ./bitcoind -regtest -deprecatedrpc=generate

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Hi, @cnhaupt,
Im already running the cli in the 2nd window & i try to remove the “” but im getting the same error!

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Did you generate that address recently? Try generating a new address and then use that new address. Hopefully that works for you. Let me know.

@spanosa My apologies, I just saw the new address above. I am not sure why this is happening. I can’t seem to find the issue.

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Hi @cnhaupt,
No problem, Thanks for your time :slight_smile:

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Maybe you can install a previous version of bitcoin core. For regtest you don’t need to sync anything


Hi @Fabrice,
Yeap, it now works! thanks a lot :grinning:


in regtest mode only the first 150 blocks pay a reward of 50 bitcoins

Each block in regtest mode get 50 rewards, you create 102 blocks, so you get 5100 rewards. I guess like this.

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./bitcoin-cli-regtest listunspent 0
what’s the meaning of o in this sentence,?

./bitcoin-cli -regtest listunspent 0

It will return a list of UTXO (unspent transactions) that you have in your wallet.

Use this page in order to understand in detail what all the commands can do: Bitcoin WIKI.

This command will show all commands.

./bitcoin-cli -regtest help

PD: your command is misspell on ./bitcoin-cli-regtest, it must have an space between “cli” and the next parameter that will be “-regtest”. :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.


Not such an important question probably, but why should they have changes the command

bitcoin-cli -regtest generate 101


bitcoin-cli -regtest generatetoaddress 101 $(bitcoin-cli -regtest getnewaddress)

The first one seems to me clear. Why should the command generatetoaddress makes things probably more clear?


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I’m looking into opening a pizza shop with btcpay I just have some privacy concerns regarding my customers, have you looked into the privacy coin course? It would be amazing to somehow implement some mimblewimble magic somewhere along the lego line but alas I am a muggle and cant program for shit haha

What are the concerns? When customers pay with bitcoin or lightning a new address will be created out of their wallet, it’s not easy to track who is behind an address, always better than a bancaccount.

Further BTCPAYServer has already Payjoin implemented

You don’t have to program to setup a BTCPayserver, I’m willing to help you out.

I have one running one on

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@Goosie awesome! does this still require me to have an independent btc node or can I just setup some backend stuff? I’ve been currently only developing in regtest as I don’t want to risk real money with my Ideas. Also I am running my btc regtest on windows inside a virtual machine so may require help with setting up correct ports? If you can help me set up my shop words could not describe how grateful I would be… Would you mind if I directly message you?