Bitcoin Core Advanced Discussion

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Hej @ivan

I think you made a small mistake in this lecture at 4:30min when you’re going through the utxo’s, you list them in the wrong order. The bottom utxo with 101 confirmations was the third and last reward we got, because the reward came from the block number 3, it has 100 blocks in front of it. The top utxo with 103 confirmations was the reward from the first mined block and has 102 blocks in front of it.

Let me know if I am wrong, this is a bit of a brain twist to think about :slight_smile:

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In the latest Bitcoin Core generate RPC is deprecated:
error code: -32
error message:
The wallet generate rpc method is deprecated and will be fully removed in v0.19. To use generate in v0.18, restart bitcoind with -deprecatedrpc=generate.
Clients should transition to using the node rpc method generatetoaddress

If anyone comes here for this issue you can use this new method:

  1. Get a new address ./bitcoin-cli -regtest getnewaddress
  2. Double-click the new address to select it and Ctrl+C to copy it
  3. Generate the blocks: ./bitcoin-cli -regtest generatetoaddress 101 paste-here-your-address-with-ctrl+v

Thanks alot for your help.

Maybe Ivan you should update that part os the course :slight_smile:

Why should having a blockchain explorer a businesscase for an entrepreneur?

What are other nice usecasus for having a full node. Things I think off is:

As an entrepreneur off a shop

What more?

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Question regarding my Bitcoind running in powershell.

Now that my client has finally caught up to the current blocks, it shows

34’ of last 100 blocks have unexpected version

What does this mean?

Hi @ivan - loving the course so far - recently set up my own node using a Raspberry Pi 4 from some sources online and now using it with the info in the course. Two small things though with the final assignment for this section of the course (

  1. The API link given is out of date - suggest you change it to:

  1. There’s a minor typo in the instructions for question 1 - update to:

Does the description fit what the commands do?

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I just restarted bitcoind with -deprecatedrpc=generate (instead of -printtoconsole) and all was good in bitcoin-cli mode

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Wow thanks man! I didn’t understand what was meant by “restart bitcoind with …” This fixed it!

Well maybe it is more challenging this way because you need to start looking yourself, that’s how you learn things quicker :slight_smile:

I did the same …

All good now

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I am not getting 3 blocks 150 unspect coins.
I first only received 50, then ran the 101 request again and received 5100 coins?
Whats going on?

I have shut it all down and started again and now I have a balance of 11262.500
I think there is an issue here.
I do not recall in the video creating 3 confirmed regtest blocks over and above the 101 blocks
My number of regtest blocks are now out of sync and the amount per block confirmed varies between 50 and 25
What have I not done?

I work with the latest version (0.18.1) and could not use generate 101. Instead i used:
./bitcoin-cli -regtest generatetoaddress 101 2N72N9ko7LjDaizKkiL2XJd3fsGry67Xf5r
Maybe best to update this video?


I had the same issue…
Needed to use

bitcoin-cli -regtest generatetoaddress 101 $(bitcoin-cli -regtest getnewaddress)

in my case.

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You initially mined 101 blocks… This will give you access to the first block’s coin reward which is 50 coins…
You can get this by bitcoin-cli getbalance

You ran generate 101 again.
This will give you reward 101 x 50 = 5050
Your previous reward was 50.
In total you now have 5100 coins.

Why was your balance 199 when you were explaining UTXOs ?
Should be 200.

This was working to me also. Thanx a lot. :slight_smile:

In bitcoind:

./bitcoind -regtest -deprecatedrpc=generate

In bitcoin-cli:
First I have asked new address: ./bitcoin-cli -regtest getnewaddress
Then I got the address, copy it, and write:

./bitcoin-cli -regtest generatetoaddress 101 new address is pasted here

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It took several attempts to get the first mining of 101 blocks with 50 bitcoins in -regtest.

(1)./bitcoind -regtest -deprecatedrpc=generate
(2)./bitcoin-cli -regtest getnewaddress
(3)./bitcoin-cli -regtest generatetoaddress 101 generated-wallet-address-in-(2)
(4)./bitcoin-cli -regtest getbalance