Backend vs Frontend Assignment

1 - the frontend developer
2 javascript, html and css
3 backend developer
4 backend developer
5 php, phyton

  1. Frontend
  2. HTML, Javascript and CSS.
  3. Backend
  4. Backend
  5. C#, Ruby, PHP, Java, .Net, and Python
  1. Frontend
  2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  3. Backend
  4. Backend
  5. Java, Python
  1. The user interacts with the web designer code, what you see, design

  2. In web development the Frontend developer uses the static languages, HTML, CSS and JavaScript, client side

  3. The Backend developer makes sure the logic of the application runs smoothly

  4. The Backend developer is responsible for handling databases, server side

  5. The languages used to communicate with a database are Ruby, PHP, Java, Net and Python

  1. Frontend
  2. HTML, CSS, Javascript
  3. Backend
  4. Backend
  5. .Net, Java,

Backend vs Frontand
1. Which type of developer programs the code that users interact with directly?

  • the frontend developer

2. In web-development, what languages does a frontend developer typically use?

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript

3. Which type of developer is responsible for making sure the logic of the application runs smoothly?

  • the backend developer

4. Which type of developer is responsible for handling databases?

  • the backend developer

5. Which languages can you use in order to communicate with a database (give 2 examples)?

  • Python, Java


1. Which type of developer programs the code that users interact with directly?
Frontend developer
2. In web-development, what languages does a Frontend developer typically use?
HTML - CSS and Javascript
3. Which type of developer is responsible for making sure the logic of the application runs smoothly?
The Backend developer.
4. Which type of developer is responsible for handling databases?
The Backend developer
5. Which languages can you use in order to communicate with a database (give 2 examples)?
Ruby and Python

  1. Frontend devloper
  2. HTML, CSS, and Javascript
  3. Backend dev
  4. Backend dev
  5. PHP, Ruby, Java, phython
  1. Frontend
  2. Html, Css, Javascript
  3. Backend
  4. Backend
  5. Ruby, PHP
  1. Frontend
  2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  3. Backend
  4. Backend
  5. Ruby, PHP, Java, Python

In answer to your questions …

  1. Frontend / client-side dev
  2. HTML / CSS / Javascript
  3. Backend / server-side dev
  4. Backend / server-side dev
  5. Python / Ruby / PHP . …
  1. Frontend
  2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  3. Backend
  4. Backend
  5. Ruby, Python
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  1. which type of developer programs the code that users interact with directly?
    frontend developer
  2. In web-development, what languages does a frontend developer typically use?
    web 1.0
    Html, css
    web 2.0
    javascript/ php/ ruby/ python/ ect …
  3. Which type of developer is responsible for making sure the logic of the application runs smoothly?
    frontend to fecth the data and organise it well
    Backend to structure the data logicaly
  4. Which type of developer is responsible for handling databases?
    backend developer
  5. Which languages can you use in order to communicate with a database (give 2 examples)?
    javascript, php
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  1. Fontend developers program the code that users interact with directly.
  2. Frontend developers typically use HTML. CSS and Javascript.
  3. Backend developers are responsible for making sure the logic of the application run smoothly.
  4. Backend developers are responsible for handling databases.
  5. You can you use Ruby, PHP, .NET or Python in order to communicate with a database.
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  1. Which type of developer programs the code that users interact with directly?
  2. In web-development, what languages does a frontend developer typically use?
    HTML, Javascript, Creative Commons-license (CSS)
  3. Which type of developer is responsible for making sure the logic of the application runs smoothly?
  4. Which type of developer is responsible for handling databases?
  5. Which languages can you use in order to communicate with a database (give 2 examples)?
    SQL, Java, Python

1- the frontend developer
2- html, css and javascript
3- the backend developer
4- the backend developer
5- ruby, php, java, phyton

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Front End Developer.
HTML, Javascript, CSS
Back End Developer.
Back End Developer.
Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, Node.js, and .Net.

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  1. Frontend

  2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  3. Backend

  4. Backend

  5. Python, Ruby

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Front end developer
html, css, javascript
back end
node.js, mongodb

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