Anyone have XEM on testnet?

All faucets that I found are drained or not working. - insufficient balance - not working - drained - only XEM 3/h

If anyone have it and don’t need it pls send me TB5AIMCOVBVQNNYF66VJEX6KE6ANSFQJDKTIB6AV


not much but had to get from a faucet at 2 per hour, but you should be able to do the exercises, except for creating mosaic, I can send leftover filipcoin that I used for the mosaic exercises

I got more on the last faucet, so I think it is random. If you don’t inform an amount in the textbox, the amount is drawn up to 10 XEM.

tnx @rbondi

Last faucet has in how to use: You can claim up to 10 XEM (randomly) every 1 hour but when you write 10 you get message maximum 3. Now I changed in console maximum value to 10 and got 5 so this is little better :slight_smile:


That is an amazing hack, however I am pretty sure it is capped on the server side.

Yes on server side it’s probably amount >= 5 then send 5

This was posted up last night on the NEM forum:


Tnx this will probably help someone. Yesterday I collected my 100 NEM after 3 days :smiley:


I can’t claim testnet XEM. :popcorn: :baby_chick:
If someone can help me, my address is: TBLMCSL2RD4BKC3QZFUJ6AAEP7XUISPRR4MI7NWU

You can get it here but it takes some time

Now you can change STEEM tokens for XEM, if you are a Steemer that is cool!

Now they have risen until 100 XEM for testnet.
With that amount we can create namespaces !

This is the only faucet that worked for me.
That is:

They have added blockchain tools to get account data, mosaic data, block data

Info updated -> xarleecm faucet provides up tp 100 XEM/h and NEM Mosaics for testing.

All the faucets I found are drained, anybody has some to send on TCMKMYUCFNSMFYOYVYVXYO6X73T7WY4WBR4T7ZY6 for my testnet, I would really appreciate it… thx :smiley: