Activity Lesson 5


Given a choice people will hoard (HODL) the good money and spend the bad (Fiat).



Bitcoin maintains the causal relationship between proof of work and value creation. Fiat currencies under the manipulation of the world’s central banks have largely decouple work and value by increasing money supply arbitrarily.

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Bitcoins hybrid concept cannot be 2 dimensionally blocked. It may encounter resistance but through this time of market immaturity, it will learn to adapt with verified acceptance and over come archaic monetary action.

“Don’t trust… Verify”, @ivan


Bitcoin Sign Guy, a beautiful photobomb which perfectly encapsulates the sentiment of dissatisfaction with the current system and situation.

This moment has lead to “Buy Bitcoin” street art and other protests using this slogan.


Learn about money and Crypto now . There is a reason why all the richest man in the world are buying bitcoin or mining it in secret.



The beauty about digital currency, is that it is not physical, and you can keep it physically away from your addictions. Although it is neutral and it does not care what you do, you can still buy whatever you want with it, but why would you want to at this point? Use your fiat to feed your addiction.


monetary property of scarcity, and it’s deflationary nature, going up in value over time, supply and demand economics of scarcity.

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Central Banks Making the Printing Press Go Brrrrrr!!!
This is how you debase the value of currency… and lets remember currency is rarely money!!
#Buy Bitcoin

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Since Bitcoin effectively makes banks obsolete, and does away with fractional reserve banking, then JP Morgan and others will shun it


Bitcoin can’t be printed out of thin air and no central entity is behind it controlling his direction. It’s a store of value as it comes in a limited supply.


Find a meme: Printing press
Communicates an aspect of Bitcoin: Neutrality

Add 1-2 sentence description of what aspect of bitcoin it communicate:
Printing press, is a tool with no CEO or a board of directives. It has no shareholders and it ultimately has no opinions over who is using it or the words being printed. It simply works as designed and as would be expected.

Why you think its effective:
The printing press broke the churches monopoly over the creation of books and therefore knowledge, Bitcoin breaks the state monopoly over the creation of money and therefore value because as long as you are running the Bitcoin protocol, the protocol doesn’t care who you are, where you’re from, what you do or did, who you’re transacting with, what amount or why.
That is representing proof of work. It’s amazing to think that so much electricity is used for mining! As much as 139 countries use! Wow!

the only step to a global economy



Bitcoin’s Proof of Work standard will not let it be favorable to a certain group of users or miners to allow them more benefits than another group.

Not everyone’s a believer…that’s ok​:ok_hand:t4::+1:t4:

Like in those days transferring value takes days, risk and expense, even today!
Bitcoin fixes that!

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Don’t go against the Bitcoin Bull, the trend is your friend.

I chose this meme because every time i talk to other people about bitcoin they always say the same thing there is no use for it, and it isn’t real money, i also noticed there were actually alot of banks saying that crypto currencies are a waste of time and no body should invest in crypot or bitcoin. then after a few years come to find out they end up getting in the crypto market


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Most of the memes I found were already posted, so I chose this screenshot. You could tie this to several properties of bitcoin, first one that comes to mind is store of value :money_mouth_face:


What do we have printed so far in 2020? 9 Trillion coke straws… Party on boys!!! :tornado:

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