Activity Lesson 5

I was inspired from this quote from the reading in *Unchained Chained Capitol “Ultimately, gold’s failure was the dollar and the dollar’s failure is the economic distortion which led to, and which has been exacerbated by, QE. Bitcoin’s promise is the solution to both.”

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So, here is a meme (my creation:) in regard to fiat currencies and their ability to be multiplied… reference! is the classicly ugly fiat multipla :slight_smile: on the opossite side, bitcoin is an uninflatable asset.

-Yelen talking about the measures of the Fed and their policies. It illustrates how far we have come and that we need a monetary system outside of of the control of institutions.



DYOR (Do. Your. Own. Research.). Bitcoin is not something that you can count on mainstream finance professionals to understand. Similar to the scientists who could not believe that the platypus existed, so is the case with some mainstream financial professionals and their understanding of Bitcoin exists and what purposes it serves.

The solution is for everyone to do there own research and come to their own conclusions. Having a strong conclusion that Bitcoin is real and hard money is what will give the bitcoin hodler the conviction to not get recked by short term dips, etc.

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After all we’ve learnt from the History of Money course, I think this meme describes things perfectly. No explanation needed


The Bitcoin Platypus. In general people are correct, it does look like and is like many different things, that is exactly why it is exactly the asset of the future and why it has so many offspring already proving it’s use cases.


Bitcoin is un-censorable.


Bitcoin is de-flationary


I made this meme to compare different strategies people will take in financial markets

I think it will communicate the message of ‘crypto is something well worth looking into’ effectively because the meme format is simple and usually well received.

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Understand what an asset is versus a liability.




This store of value meme conveys durability, density, purchasing power, and liquidity in a single sentence. The implication as to the ability to buy some candy today, but holding current assets over time will be rewarded with all the candy “tomorrow,” effectively highlighting Bitcoins intrinsic value.


Bitcoin is literally a bank in your pocket, available and open 24/7 no holidays , no weekends. It is freedom from the banks, ownership of your own money.



Bitcoins can’t be artificially created (or printed) as there is a fixed number of bitcoins that can be mined.

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The board game that taught me the first hack in money markets when I was a kid. It’s still the same hack and that’s why we prefer a limited supply.


Finally... A world Where I

This meme explains how grateful the next generation will be for the opportunity to have true, individual financial freedom not tied to the whims of central banks!!


To Acey,

Oh I really like this. First because you made it rather than copying someone elses work. Second because a couple of years ago I just could not make the math on a traditional 401k retirement plan work out and the whole financial system seemed a bit sketchy but I didnt really know why. I ended up going through the 4 phases you have so eloquently summarized here just in the nick of time.

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