Truffle Introduction

Fixed by adding the following to networks section in truffle-config.js
ganache: {
host: “localhost”,
port: 7545,
network_id: “5777”


I am having trouble launching truffle whenever I run “truffle inti” I get this alert.
How do I enable the system to allow execution?

Cheers :slight_smile:

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I’m not sure what happened to my setup. Everything between ganache and truffle was working fine some weeks ago, but after some other installations I did on my computer, it seems the migration does not work properly anymore for the ‘people project’.

I launch ganache and link it to the project. Then I do ‘truffle console’ and then I run 'migrate --reset" and i get this:

Compiling your contracts...
> Compiling .\contracts\Ownable.sol
> Artifacts written to C:\Users\innov\Web Projects\Blockchain\programming\Peopleproject\build\contracts
> Compiled successfully using:
   - solc: 0.5.12+commit.7709ece9.Emscripten.clang

ExtendableError: Unknown network "ganache". See your Truffle configuration file for available networks.
    at Object.validateNetworkConfig (C:\Users\innov\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\build\webpack:\packages\environment\environment.js:110:1)
    at Object.detect (C:\Users\innov\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\build\webpack:\packages\environment\environment.js:16:1)
    at C:\Users\innov\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\build\webpack:\packages\core\lib\commands\migrate.js:206:1

I can’t find anything on Google about this error. Also it looks like just the Ownable contract is getting compiled for some reason, not the migrate or people contracts. Any ideas?

OK, I didn’t have any settings in the truffle.config.js file under networks. It was all commented out. So I checked the settings in Ganache and put them in there and now all is working. I am still baffled as to why it was working before without me needing to do this and then suddenly not. But whatever I guess…

Thanks. But that’s not what was in the video lesson. There Filip works with ganache network.
Looks like I’m missing something…

Filip uses a ganache gui version. the one I suggested is instead a cli version :slight_smile:
You will see that you will use the cli a lot once you get expercience.

Happy to see that you solved, good job!


Hey @Alek_Bike

The command should be truffle init.


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Even though I installed npm6.14.4, I can’t install truffle on ubuntu.

Hi i am having issue running the npm install -g [email protected] on my Mac Terminal. I ham having this issue

Can someone help? I’m a beginner programmer here. I’ve created the simple Helloworld.sol in Atom, but all of my code appears as a single ‘green color’. What do I need to do to make Atom display the code in different colors as appropriate?

Also, how do I change the destination folder for nodes.js?

Thanks in advance!


My instance of “Helloworld” does not display correctly. Can someone help and let me know what I’m doing wrong?



I want to compile in the terminal with command ‘truffle compile’ but I recieve ‘truffle: command not found’
Help please

Hey @Oussama @ImRONMAN

It says 'missing write acces to /usr etc…Screenshot 2020-11-02 at 10.43.38

do sudo.


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Hey @MrSeven

You can google if you look for syntax plugins for Atom, you will find many of them.
Take a look here:✓&q=keyword:solidity

Hey @MrSeven

From you screenshot it looks like the function name is getmessage and not getMessage


@Abuaish seems like you don’t have truffle installed.
Type truffle -v, you should see the version and a list of commands. If not download and install truffle.

ok yeah, I checked I dont have it, How can I download

Its November the 2nd 2020, and Im using truffle v5.1.49 and ganache v2.5.4 … hope everything runs smoothly and there is backwards compatibility :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

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@filip could you please explain what you did when you wrote this in the truffle console:

let instance = await Helloworld.deployed()

it is like you took the contract Helloworld and you put it into a Javascript object?? so that you may interact with it without “touching” the blockchain? thus, no transaction can be seen in the ganache window??

I’m having issue when i opening my Mac terminal and input -g [email protected] . i am using my Mac admin account btw.

Hey @Abuaish

If you’re using mac or linux run npm i truffle.

Filip explains it here:

Happy learning,

Hey @javier_ortiz_mir

it is like you took the contract Helloworld and you put it into a Javascript object??

In that way you can interact with your contract methods.
The command let instance = await Helloworld.deployed() does not create a transaction on the blockchain since what you are doing is just instantiate a variable in javascript.

Good one,

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