Hi @doodesville,
That’s great that you are so keen to start linking a frontend (user interface) to a backend (smart contracts). However, you need to be able to walk before you can run. I assume you’ve already completed the JavaScript Programming for Blockchain Developers course which covers the basics of HTML and JavaScript, both essential for building a frontend. CSS is also needed for the styling, and a great way to quickly aquire a working knowledge of all three, and Solidity, and then put this knowledge into practice by building your own dapp (decentralised application) complete with frontend and backend, and capable of being deployed on the Ethereum blockchain, is the Blockchain Developer Bootcamp. Alternatively, you will cover these skills in the 201 course following this one. But you need to aquire the fundamentals first. You can only start connecting the dots when you have all the dots in place to begin with.
However, while you’re learning these fundamentals, I highly recommend doing your own research in terms of the bigger picture, as this will certainly help you to get more of a general idea about what you’re aiming for.
In terms of programming your own tokens, again, you need to learn the fundamentals first before you can start to understand the code, best practices, standards and security implications and solutions involved in doing this. You will be ready to start covering this after completing this 101 course, and you can do this in the 201 course, Smart Contract Security course, or in the Bootcamp.