Real world Assets on the BlockChain | Get Real world Assets on the BlockChain - Assignment

I will definitely keep you posted!

Concerning RWA and KYC, what mechanism would protect sellers from bad acting buyers? Who would verify conditions of the real-world asset and conditions of the smart contract if some physical verification would be required should the situation I first mentioned be reversed?

Perhaps there would be a separate goverance group to handle claims. Or maybe this is creating another avenue for decentralized insurance!

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There’s something called (name hidden because this post was flagged as spam), where you have KYC, and they already have tokenized gold/silver etc. that you can buy (custodial), and request physical delivery if you like.

They also have a Rent function, a Lend function and an Exposure function, where

Exposure: you buy a share in a pool of digital assets (sort of like Melon)
Rent: you can rent *** tokens
Lend: you can lend out your *** tokens for interest

If I understand it right, their tokens are kind of “programmable”. Not sure if they fit the description for NFTs…

And you connect to their Dapp directly with Metamask, for instance, but you still need KYC to interact.

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Owned by you

I would say on chain reputation markets will help.
KYC is lagecy we need to come up with new ways of doing this.
Lets think and use our brains please

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Why does my post keep getting flagged as spam??? Am I not supposed to engage in the discussion? I’m not allowed to use real world examples from the things I know about?

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Hello sir, what are you trying to share? a link to a website? maybe you have been posting too many post on different topics and the system just confuse your activity with spamming.

Try to create your post again, if you are still having some issues, please DM me so I can help you.

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

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Had the same experience while using WIV I ended up buying nothing!

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Defi is revolutionizing the world. I look forward to the future where common man can benefit from this tech.
Although I don’t have clear ideas on how to bring real world assets to the blockchain yet.
I would like to see fair distribution of wealth especially in undeveloped and developing countries . Some of these countries have rich natural resources but instead of those resources helping and raising their population living standards it only make it more poorer. Wherever precious resource is discovered war rages! Its more of a curse than blessing. If blockchain can assist in solving this kind of problems many lives will be saved.

To invest in Tinlake Dapp they require your KYC before they can accept your money.
Why is this so? If you are just buying tokens(providing liquidity) not listing assets why the hell they need KYC for?


You hit it right on the head. I Love the idea!

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Also exited about the possibilities of defi and blockchain and bringing RWAs to the block chain.

Could kyc problem not be solved by an intermediary contract? Ie. the buyer of something on the block chain sends his payment to a contract and the payment is released to the seller only after buyer has confirmed the legitimacy/promised condition etc of the purchased item.

If then a situation arises where the deal is cancelled the transaction is reversed. This will cause costs to both seller and buyer and if you combine it with a reputation system on the blockchain, people will not want to do business with someone who is involved in a lot of transactions that are not finalised, due to costs and all extra hassle?

Just a thought that popped in…

Uncollateralized loans without kyc would be trickier to do as there is no collateral, nothing but a promise that exchanges hands. Reputation would help but still holes in the system.

I also bid on a parcel of land on opensea but it never went through, so just spent gas on creating and cancelling the transaction. This is something that should be addressed somehow. Same has happened on uniswap with orders not being executed, staying pending for days and making consequent transactions impossible before cancelling the old ones…

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Allright, my dad has a basement full of wine bottles…. and keeps accumulating.

So who wants to buy? Every customer will get an exclusive tour of the mountians (he lives in the swiss alps) and priority prices to a traditional swiss dinner with me.

Sounds great? Im just giving you the Couchsurfer deal, but with charging for it. Doh!

Ok, seriously its great that this is developping… as today I just listened to Ivan (and others) warn of the banks collapsing. Im so grateful to be in the right place!!

RealT sounds great, Im now looking for a replacement of my p2p investments (mintos) which now bother with their new KYC… so got some cash to invest.

–>> I am in Bulgaria now, there are sooo many emplty villages and places to buy for a few thousand euros with land. Who has a great idea on how to create a project??? I am here to buy something and build a sustainable community. How about having one small house within the community which stays empty and ppl have tokens they can buy, which they can use for their holidays. The stay will be entirely free, even food is inclued. that is how I could finance it too.

Ideas Amadeo on how to professionally start this up?

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btw about
great, i can finally auction my unstoppable domains
he he he…

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I really like this idea.
This KYC token can be implemented as a NFT that on that term again is connected to a ETH Adress.
THis would indeed work … issues is that for giving out this NFT still some sort of central organism or protocol needs to lay that checks this data.

This is atm exactly how Centrifuse works :slight_smile:


IT is comming but still some legal issues goverments will puch back hard on this innovation we need to not accept it and just move forward.


Interesting. Is there any penalty for not fulfilling your duties, payback etc? Just a reputation or its linked to your banking details?

It seems a bit like going back and trusting centrallized entities, banks again. But I get it, that this is a step in the process until rep system can be decentralized.

Probably steps in the right direction.

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DEX in the centre of this. What do you think, is the is good or a bad thing?

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The people have legal bindings plus reputation loss.
So they can go to jail if they do not pay back the loan …

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I see this as a positive development for the #DeFi Space since we can now see what routes are truely decentrilzed … centrilzied exchanges get hack decentrilzed excanges are more secure since the base layer has security build into it.

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I bought this fine wine :slight_smile:

I agree with your statement that privacy should be a human right. KYC regulations don’t belong in a decentralized world.


Axie Infinity just released a new Website and whitepaper, are you still into it? I love it