Reading Assignment: Hexadecimal Numbers

  1. Decimal numbers are base 10, they use the 10 unique numeral symbols to represent value. Hexadecimal numbers are base 16. They use a combination of the base 10 numeral symbols and some of the letter symbols (A thru F) from the alphabet to represent value.
  2. The extra digits are the letter symbols from the alphabet.
  3. values are the same whether represented by upper or lower case letters.
  4. 22
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  1. decimal uses 10 numbers, hexadecimal uses 10 numbers from 0 to 9, plus letters from A to F -> hence, 16 digits.

  2. A B C D E F

  3. no difference

  4. 22

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  1. What is the difference between hexadecimal and decimal numbers?
  1. Which are the extra “digits” we get in hexadecimal?
  • there are 6 extra values for the hex digit: a b c d e f
  1. What is the difference between using lower case or upper case letters?
  2. What is hexadecimal for 34?
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Why did you left the first answer empty? :stuck_out_tongue:

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oops… the mouse did eat the answer!!
-Decimal is a base-10 representation for numbers, where each digit can have 10 values (0 to 9)
-Hexadecimal is a base-16 representation, where each digit can take 16 distinct values (0 to 9 and a to f)
I guess humans came up with the decimal representation beacuse of 10 fingers, remember kindergarten and first grade math!
If we were born with 8 fingers at each hand instead of five, it would have been natural to do the math in hexadecimal, and probably we would not use lettes and numbers, we would fave invented 6 more number representations.
Alko89, Thanks for pointing my missing answer, it gave me another opportunity to think about numbers. Thanks again, for your time.

  1. What is the difference between hexadecimal and decimal numbers?
    A hexadecimal uses the standard 0-9, but also A,B,C,D,E and F. So we have 16 unique digits in a hexadecimal. In a decimal you have 10 unique digits.
  2. Which are the extra “digits” we get in hexadecimal?
    A, B, C, D, E, F
  3. What is the difference between using lower case or upper case letters?
    There is no standard that defines upper vs lower case. So both work on the same way.
  4. What is hexadecimal for 34? (Use your head!)

1. What is the difference between hexadecimal and decimal numbers?
Hexadecimal is in base 16 whereas decimal is base 10 numbers go up to 15
2. Which are the extra “digits” we get in hexadecimal?
3. What is the difference between using lower case or upper case letters?
No Difference can use either
4. What is hexadecimal for 34?
22 or 0x22

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  1. What is the difference between hexadecimal and decimal numbers? dec is base 10 hex is base 16
  2. Which are the extra “digits” we get in hexadecimal? A B C D E F
  3. What is the difference between using lower case or upper case letters? NONE
  4. What is hexadecimal for 34? (Use your head!) 22
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  1. What is the difference between hexadecimal and decimal numbers?
    base 10 and base 16

  2. Which are the extra “digits” we get in hexadecimal?
    hex numbers also contain characters a-f

  3. What is the difference between using lower case or upper case letters?
    no difference as far as I know

  4. What is hexadecimal for 34?

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  1. Hex is 16 based. Dec is 10 based. A base is just a cycle. For 10 based you count up to 10 then reset the cycle. 16 based is when you count up to 16 and reset the cycle.
  1. The extra digits are: A B C D E and F.
  2. There is no difference between lower/upper case, ie: case insensitive
  3. 16 is #10, 32 is #20, 34 then is #22
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Technically you count from 0 to 9 or 0 to f, because 10 (10 in decimal or 16 in hex) is already a two digit number :slight_smile:

  1. The difference between hexadecimal and decimal numbers is that in hex there is 16 unique digits and in decimal there is 10 unique digits.

2.- The extra digits in hex are: A (10), B(11), C(12), D(13), E(14), F(15)

3.- From what I read, Upper or lower case do not matter in hexadecimal numbers, but, traditional programmers seem to have a preference for upper case.

4.- The decimal number 34 in hexadecimal is: 0x22

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  1. The difference between hexadecimal and decimal numbers is that hexadecimals use 16 unique digits while decimals use 10.

  2. The extra “digits” used in hexadecimal are; a,b,c,d,e and f.

  3. There is no difference between using upper case and lower case letters.

  4. The hexadecimal for “34” is “22”.

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  1. What is the difference between hexadecimal and decimal numbers?
    hexas are base 16, decimals are base 10
  2. Which are the extra “digits” we get in hexadecimal?
    a, b, c, d, e, f
  3. What is the difference between using lower case or upper case letters?
  4. What is hexadecimal for 34?
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  1. Decimal numbers are base10, hexadecimal numbers are base 16
  2. A-F represent 10-15
  3. There is none
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  1. What is the difference between hexadecimal and decimal numbers?
    decimal is base 10, hex is base 16
  2. Which are the extra “digits” we get in hexadecimal?
  3. What is the difference between using lower case or upper case letters?
    no difference
  4. What is hexadecimal for 34? (Use your head!)
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  1. Hexadecimal is a base-16 number system. Decimal is a base-10 number system. Hexadecimal also contain letters A-F, in place of 11-15 in the decimal system.

  2. Decimal - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    Hexadecimal - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

  3. no difference

  4. 34/16 = 2
    R 2 =22

    34 = 22

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1.) The difference between decimal and hexadecimal is that decimal is a base 10 numerical system and hexadecimal is a 16 base numerical system.
2.) Hexadecimal uses 9-0 and also A-F.
3.) There is no difference between uppercase and lower case letters in this case.
4.) 22

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  1. hexadecimal are base-16 numbers (meaning sixteen digits in their number sequence). Decimal numbers are base-10 numbers (meaning 10 digits in their number sequence).
  2. A-F (corresponds to 10-16)
  3. technically no difference in representation.
  4. 0102
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This is not right, you should get a smaller number than the decimal representation. :slight_smile: