Reading assignment: Hashing

  1. Sha-256
  2. Because the amount of combinations that are allowed, and only one works.
  • What is the hashing algorithm called used in Bitcoin?

  • Why is this hashing algorithm really hard (almost impossible) to brute-force?
    there are to many possibility’s which makes it not practical

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  1. SHA- 256 and SHA-512
  2. It produces an output which 256 bits long which is deterministic but very much pre-image resistant.

1- SHA-256
2- Its goong to take a very long time to break

  1. What is the hashing algorithm called used in Bitcoin?

There is SHA-256.

  1. Why is this hashing algorithm really hard (almost impossible) to brute-force?

There are so many inputs to try, that is almost impossible to find it. It will be worth to get more knowledge about the quantum computers and the relation between them and decrypting SHA-256.

  1. The hashing algorithm used in Bitcoin is proof of work.

  2. This application is almost impossible to brute force because the amount of time needed to make even an average of the number of guesses needed to get the correct answer in the algorithm far exceeds the life span of any human being, making it infeasible to do so.

  1. What is the hashing algorithm called used in Bitcoin?

  2. Why is this hashing algorithm really hard (almost impossible) to brute-force?
    There are so many possibilities that it would take a long time to try them all

  1. What is the hashing algorithm called used in Bitcoin?
    SHA-256 (Secure Hashing Algorithm 256).

  2. Why is this hashing algorithm really hard (almost impossible) to brute-force?
    The amount of data is absolutely huge: In an average scenario, you need to do approximately 2^256/2 = 2^128 (340 undecillions…) computations to find the hash. So it is infeasible to find it, and thus to brute-force the system.

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Could someone explain to me in simple terms what is the Puzzle Friendly property?

I read in in the Blockgeek article, but it is quite difficult to me to really grasp it.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

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  1. SHA-256
  2. The number of guesses is astronomically high

1 sha-256
2.cause if you change a data in a block all other previous block have to change it’s data and is impossible

2. Although it is possible to break the hashing algorithm via the brute force method, it will take a extremely long time, which it is not feasible due to the huge amount of processing power required and the size of the mathematical probability.

  1. SHA-256
  2. Because there are 256 bits of entropy, thus 1 / (2^256 - 1) chance to guess correctly per attempt.
  1. The hashing algorithm that is used in Bitcoin is called ‘SHA-256’.
  2. The hashing algorithm is really hard (almost impossible) to brute-force because there is an unfathomable amount of potential inputs and outputs.

2 IT because it use 256 bit hash algorithm and it will take infinite time to succeed.

What is the hashing algorithm called used in Bitcoin?
SHA-256 (Secure Hashing Algorithm 256).

Why is this hashing algorithm really hard (almost impossible) to brute-force?
Brute forcing the input for a SHA-256 hash would require up to 2^256 attempts to find the correct output.

  1. SHA 256

  2. To determine the original value from its hash rate would take so long that it technically would never happen. There is a huge amount of data using a 256-bit hash and that would require an average number of tries of (2^256)/2 or 2^255. An astronomical number

  1. SHA-256
  2. To many possibilities, not enough time.
  1. SHA-256
  2. The amount of time it would take to brute-force the correct input means that it is infeasible.
  1. sha-256
  2. it’s almost impossible to brute-force because of Pre-Image Resistance