Reading assignment: Benefits of the Blockchain technology

⦁ Transparency:
a)if the ground was transparent, we would dig for riches and find it.
b)if the gov was transparent, we would know who to/not to vote for.
c)if the human heart were transparent, we would know who to trust, who to friend,and who to love.
d) and if tomorrow was transparent the decisions we make today would decrease the chances of regretting
what we coudv’e,shouldv’e, or would’ve done yesterday if only we knew.
Blockchain is transparent. That’s a start.

⦁ Security: has all the makings of a bring it on sandwich with layers of security and nodes who must agree on transactions before you get in the gate, encryptions,and lots of possible variations within the levels of what the consensus aspect of enhanced security has to offer. Win then…win again.

⦁ Improved traceability:
if anything is wrong with a service we’ll stop investing time and money in that service. when the bad actors realize that the light is on and the world can see them for who they are they’re going to have to change who they are or scatter like bugs which will leave us with better quality of products,services and businesses to choose from and grow with.
Improved tracebility in Blockchain is the aspect of advancement that will create leaps in advancement in all genres Blockchain can fuse with, kind of like what happend with tech advancements during the tech boom.
good bye buyers remorse
hello hyper-efficacy

⦁ Increased efficiency and speed:
because lag makes it harder for players to win the game (or even compete).

⦁ Reduced cost: reduced stress and possible increased investments/expansion with reduced loss with the extra funds that reduced cost provides .

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[quote=“ivan, post:1, topic:8421, full:true”]
Explain with your own words, why these are the benefits of using a blockchain.

Transparency :blockchain where all verified information in a transaction is made visible for all to see
Security: all data or transactions are inspected and verified by a network of individual computers

Improved traceability: exchanges of goods are recorded on the blockchain which gives you a audit trail that you can follow back to its origin

Increased efficiency and speed: everyone has access to the same information ,no middle man. Which makes it easier to trust which makes the settlement much faster

Reduced cost: you do not have to review all the documentation or have any third party because it is transparent everyone has access to the same information you just trust the data on the blockchain which will make the process much faster and cheaper

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  1. Greater transparency

Because the blockchain technology is based on a network of participants that share the same documentation it therefore has a very great transparency. There is not a little group of people in power who can manipulate things however they want.

  1. Enhanced security

In my mind it´s totaly logical to assume that the blockchain technology is a very rubust system and I think that the possibility that the majority of all the computers in this network would agree to a teoretical masscollusion is very near 0%. Therefore i belive this relative new technology has already enhanced the security significant.

  1. Improved traceability

Because of for example the improved transparency it also appear a much more reliable audit trail, that in other words can be described as improved tracebility. It is a very good improvement and will be a tool to prevent fraud.

  1. Increased efficiency and speed

In the swedish language we have an expression ”the more cooks all the worse soup”. Before the birth of blockchain technology we had to trust our leaders, all intermediaries and so on. Now we have the possibility to cut off all the intermediaries, because a trustful, traceable, enhanced security and transparency system. Of course will this open up for increased efficiency and speed.

  1. Reduced costs

With greater transparency and enhanced security, everybody can now trust each other and not so many third parties or middlemen needed . All of the above and to that add improved traceability, increased efficiency and speed will result in reduced costs.

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Block-chain provides users with full transparency

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  1. Transparency is very important point of strength for blockchain to achieve the next economic SISTEM based in trust less protocols

  2. Security and immutability are 2 key points on blockchain technology that uses CONSENSUS for every translation registered in the blockchain database

Blockchain is an open source database where every transaction has FINALITY approved by CONSENSUS that increase INCENTIVES

High availability, high liquidity, high scalability are the factors of increased efficiency

By providing a real time accounting and no medle man needed cost are reduced

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Transparency: fair share of information with everyone, showing whats actually happening.

Security: due to blockchain security its its really hard for a party to gain an unfair advantage over the rest by tempering information/duplication of tokens or any other exploit.

Improved traceability: public insight in supply chain, adding / tempering / transaction history.

Increased efficiency and speed: by removing the middleman one can send value P2P, quick automated processes.

Reduced costs: automation, removing human error, better decision making.

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Explain why these are the benefits of using a blockchain:

Because blockchain is a distributed public ledger, anyone that has requested access can see the transaction details. Every node holds the same documentation and it can only be updated through concencus, when everyone agrees it is correct.

Before a transaction is recorded it must be agreed by multiple nodes that do the mathematical verification based on the new transaction and all previous transactions. Unless it is agreed by concensus, the transaction will not be recorded. It is very difficult for a hacker to compropise the transactional data because it if verified in so many places, not on a single server.

Improved Traceability
In complex supply chains, by using blockchain, record-keeping, using a single ledger, keeps all of the events in order and all participants can see them. There is less need for intermediatries. Example would be being able to ensure that in the book publishing process, the paper used was FSC compliant from the original source and not just because someone said so.

Increased efficiency and speed
By using a single ledger for all the participants, it can reduce the time of auditing and reconciling multiple ledgers from different parts of the transaction or supply chain. It reduces human error and the need for dependecy on third party mediators. As the history is there for all participants to see the transactions can be completed faster without a lengthy verification process of the information provided and because it can’t be changed in blockchain you are closer to the trustless state.

Reduced Cost
You don’t need to trust the trading partner because the transaction is verified and approved by concensus. It means you can reduce down dependency on 3rd parties/middlemen making garantees about the trading partner. The trust is in the data on the blockchain. There is less documenation to review and there is one single immutable version, saving time and money and auid processes.

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  1. All members of that blockchain can see where the products are located and there is an audit trail all along the way.
  2. With the data being spread out over different locations, it doesn’t give a hacker one point of access to enter and get what they need.
  3. It’s easy to see where the item is at in the process of shipping the items. Blockchain covers so much more than goods being shipped, I’m just using shipping as an example.
  4. There is only one set of books that everyone agrees and there isn’t a reason for everyone to have their own set of records once the company has determined they can trust the data.
    5…since there isn’t the need to have mutiple copies of records and no need to reconcile to try and see what went wrong which reduces cost.
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1- Transparnecy:
All network users can share the same documentation, any update is subject to consensus.

2 - Security:
Transaction must be agreed before it is recorded, transaction data is not stored in a single server, so it is almost impossible for hackers to change data on all over the world.

3 - Improved traceability:
At blockchain, you know where an asset came from and very stop point.

4 - Increased efficiency and speed:
In blockchain, records are performed by using a single digital ledger shared among participants, so clearing and settlement can occur much quicker.

5 - Reduced costs:
In blockchain there is authentication of the data and you don’t have to review many documentation to complete a trade, because everyone can access to a single immutable data.

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  1. evrybody has a copy of the ledger, meaning everybody casn verify a transaction.
  2. there is not just one single server which stores all the data. the whole network “stores” the data. also the transactions are encrypted.
  3. all transactions are forever. thus you can always track them.
  4. blockchain runs 24/7/365 and transaction are verified within minutes. further, everybody is using the same network.
  5. you don’t need many diffrent intermediaries anymore.
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  1. All network participants have a copy of the ledger and is all the same for everyone. It’s accurate and consistent across the blockchain. An open blockchain alllows for anyone to confirm information on it.

  2. Being decentralised makes it impossible for a single entity to make adjustments. A new transaction is linked to the previous transaction. So one cant be changed without a majority network confirmation, causing an immutable system of security.

  3. An open blockchain allows anyone to view its history, meaning everything is traceable and immutable.

  4. Everyone has access to the same information. Blockchain removes the human error element. There is no need to reconsile data as the blockchain will do this for you.

  5. You remove the middle man, so reducing his costs. It removes the need for trust between parties. Verification, retrospectively is easy.

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  1. Transparency : Each transaction on blockchain is public and being record in real time so anyone can check.
  2. Security : Each transaction on blockchain is being recorded after it has been approved by the networks. This means you cannot change or add information that are not agreed upon the other ledger. This could prevent any fraud.
  3. Improved traceability : Blockchain is a digital database storing all the transaction that is verified to the public. The information is safe from getting damage, changed or deleted. This allow one to be able to track the information in real time.
  4. Increased efficiency and speed : The process in blockchain is automatic so it is way faster than traditional way using human and also no mistake.
  5. Reduced cost : In business, you can reduce cost from hiring someone to check your account or audit your balance sheet. This is because blockchain keep all transactions in real time that you can check anytime.
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Transparency: Transactions can be seen/verified by all parties.

Security: Nodes secure the network and it’s decentralized so hacking and other nuisance

Improved traceability: Although the identity may not be known transactions can be traced via their hashes.

Increased efficiency and speed: Time is money so anything that helps transact and settle payments faster is a benefit.

Reduced cost: By cutting out middlemen cost is reduced and the Blockchain can certain displace middlemen that act as trusted authorities.

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Blockchain Technology brings to modern businesses several advantages not previously attainable in traditional business environments. First and foremost,it’s implied nature of provenance brings to the table for the first time a traceability which was previously reliant upon trust between multiple parties. Since the transactions on the blockchain are recorded in real time only after a consensus of many parties agree that the entry is valid, we have an implied trust factor present that previously was verifiable by only one or two separate entries in the traditional ledger format.
Think of blockchain as the worlds first three entry ledger system. The supplier or sender maintains its record of the transaction, as does the receiver. Now with this new technology, the transactionis also recorded in a worldwide database structure of shared computers all comparing, agreeing, verifying and entering these transactions in a virtual third ledger.
This “third ledger”, known as the blockchain, can be public or private, can house all of the transactions in a database type structure,and can be accessed in real time anytime as long as the user has permission to access the chain. Because the ledger is shared by many machines in a virtual environment, it relies on encryption to protect the data from being altered.The details of the transaction in the form of the “secret” are protected, while the circumstances around the transaction remain public for verification and tracing purposes.The publicly verifiable nature of the transactions provide the transparency of the transfer of an asset throughout its history,assist with traceability, and also provide a never before seen level of security.
The first improvement on the subject of security is seen in the nature of the blockchain’s construction. also, since a collection of parties must agree upon the transaction prior to it being recorded on the chain, we can be vastly more secure that the information surrounding the transaction is trustworthy, accurate, and reliable. The encryption that protects the details that make up each block provides the final layer of security, as we know that that the data recorded will be intact throughout the life of the chain, and cannot be altered or corrupted.
For most businesses, the rubber meets the road when it comes to the bottom line. This is perhaps where many industries will forge ahead into this new technology, despite doubts about the concept of cryptocurrency in the future.
Because all the information necessary to transact is stored on this ledger in a virtual network,it can be accessed extremely quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, the verification of the information, assets, conditions of a contract, or other details have either already been achieved, or can be achieved seamlessly with oracles that operate in machine time and can retrieve results in milliseconds. The old guard of paper pushing and tortoise speed verification, confirmations,transfers of assets and the like is immediately eliminated. This drives down the costs of doing business from the former business models as it requires no employees, a fraction of the time, and little or no human coordination or communication to elicit. The new guard of Blockchain eliminates middlemen and handlers, removes obstacles like ACH clearing houses and cross border financial conversions and other roadblocks that slow down business transactions. Furthermore, through the construction and use of smart contracts, entire transactions that used to take days or weeks and mountains of paperwork being exchanged in and through different jurisdictions can now happen instantaneously in real time, with time stamped, verified records to prove their validity and execution.

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Transparency: Once a transaction has been added to the blockchain it is available to everyone to look at and verify.

Security: Fraud and theft on a blockchain is nearly impossible because every copy of the blockchain would have to be altered at the same time.

Improved traceability: With blockchain you can trace easily trace items as they move through supply chains since every transaction involving it will be recorded and open for everyone to verify.

Increased efficiency and speed: It eliminates the need for maintaining a paper trail of transactions

Reduced cost: Reduces or removes middle men and third parties that were previously needed for transactions.

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  1. All documents are shared by permissioned participants, updated through consensus, verifiable by simply looking at the code.
  2. Agreed on before recorded, information is stored across a network not on a single server so altering data would not be easy or inexpensive.
  3. Having an audit trail helps make it it easier to verify the authenticity of assets and prevent fraud.
  4. A single digital ledger shared among participants make clearing and settling faster.
  5. The lack of need for middlemen or third parties due to less review of documentation reduces cost.
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Greater transparency is a benefit because the exact copy of information or data can only be written or updated by the consensus or agreement of everyone and this information is distributed across all the parties. And altering of a single transaction would require the alteration of each subsequent record and everyone would have to be in on it and this is virtually impossible to accomplish.

Enhanced Security is a benefit because before a transaction is written to the network it has to be agreed on by the entire network and approved. Each transaction is then encrypted and linked to the previous transaction and all this data is copied to each server on the entire network so it is virtually impossible for a hacker to compromise any of the records on the network.

Improved Traceability is a benefit. For example in a supply chain each exchange of goods can be recorded in the blockchain and that creates a link that can show an audit trail of the origin and each stop assets or goods make along a journey or supply chain.

Increased Efficiency and Speed is a benefit because in trading or transactions for example, as a single distributed ledger blockchain provides trust and drastically reduces the time and delays due to human error, third-party meditation, and the need to reconcile multiple ledgers.

Reduced Costs is a benefit because there is no need for multiple third-parties, middle-men, auditors, or mediators because every permissioned participant will have access to a single immutable copy of each transaction

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[quote=“ivan, post:1, topic:8421, full:true”]
Explain with your own words, why these are the benefits of using a blockchain.

Transparency: Transactions are transparent, traceable and based on consensus. So data on the blockchain is more accurate, consistent and transparent.

Security: More secure because transactions must be agreed on before they are recorded. The information recorded is stored among many different networks instead on a single server and this makes it difficult to hack.

Improved traceability: Ability to create more transparency through aditabliity and traceability. You can then verify the authenticity.

Increased efficiency and speed: By streamlining and automating these processes with blockchain creates more more efficiently.

Reduced cost: Ability to cut out third parties will reduce costs.

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Because with Blockchain all network participants share the same documentation that can only be updated thorugh consensus, which means everyone must agree on it.

With Blockchain the information is stored across a network of computers instead of a single server, by this way it prevents fraud and unauthorized activity.

Blockchain shows where an asset came from and every stop it made on its journey. This historical transaction data can help verify the authenticity of assets and prevent fraud.

By streamlining and automating processes with blockchain, transactions can be completed faster and more efficiently, and when everyone has access to the same information, it becomes easier to trust each other without the need for numerous intermediaries. Thus, clearing and settlement can occur much quicker.

With blockchain you have to trust the data on the blockchain so you don’t need as many third parties or middlemen to make guarantees because everyone will have permissioned access to a single, immutable version.

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Benefits of blockchain
Transparency: The information is available to the public, no one can hide, erase or put not verified information.

Security: The chain information is decentralized, no human involment, and very hard to hack because all data is stored in x network of nodes.

Improved traceability: The best thing is that you can trace way back from nothing, where the ingredients come from ect, until to the end of product life. and everything is verify and prevent fraud.

Increased efficiency and speed: Does not require any third parties, its eliminates human error by streaming and automatic process and everyone have access to that information

Reduced cost:
You dont need to feel trust, only verifin if your want to do business whid a stranger, removes all middlemen and the cost of administration. the word “guarantee” dont need to be used anymore, only verify!

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